Monday, September 02, 2024

Majority of Poles Endorse Shooting Down Russian Airborne Objects Over Poland

Good news! But it seems to be a difficult task!

The article is mute on which route these "airborne weapons" take. Poland does not border on Russia. Via Belarus?

"... These airborne weapons frequently fly through Polish sovereign airspace during Russian attacks on Ukraine. ...
Recently, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk pointed out that the main issue with shooting down aerial targets is that there are often only seconds to determine whether the object is civilian. He also mentioned that Poland’s allies recommend some restraint in this matter. Tusk added that he appreciates the approach of the Polish military, which is not eager to fire at everything moving in the country’s airspace. ..."

Majority of Poles Endorse Shooting Down Russian Airborne Objects Over Poland 58.5 percent of Poles support shooting down Russian aerial objects that violate Polish airspace, with women more likely to support air defense action than men, 60.8 to 55 percent.

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