Saturday, September 14, 2024

India edges warily toward accepting more Chinese investment

More on the superpower rivalry! A smart move! Like if you can't beat them join them.

Apparently, there were some significant Chinese investments in the recent past.

"As Narendra Modi moves ahead with his third term as prime minister of the world's most populous nation, there is growing recognition that his Make in India drive to transform the country into a global manufacturing powerhouse is not fully living up to expectations. ..."

"India's push to become a factory titan has hit a snag: to become a credible alternative to China for global firms, it first needs to warm up to its long-time rival. ..."

India edges warily toward accepting more Chinese investment - Nikkei Asia (behind paywall) "Despite security concerns, FDI seen as key to Modi's manufacturing drive"

From rival to reluctant partner: India’s evolving stance on Chinese investment (behind paywall) "New Delhi is looking to loosen some of these restrictions as businesses struggle to scale up manufacturing, even with a host of government subsidies designed to boost local production."

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