Thursday, September 19, 2024

Hungary plans to deploy 200 Hungarian troops to Chad

More on the current scramble for Africa!

Hungary's involvement is a little bit unusual! What a surprise!

"Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán repeated his intention to follow through on delayed plans to deploy 200 Hungarian troops to Chad to help stop migration and improve counterterrorism efforts. Hungary’s objectives are publicly aligned with the EU and are similar to the policies of other anti-immigration EU countries, such as Italy, that have sought to increase their role in the Sahel as France’s influence wanes. Hungary may also have alternative or secondary aims to offer regime support in exchange for economic benefits. Hungary giving greater priority to regime security and economic objectives over migration concerns would increase its alignment with Russia and create opportunities for cooperation in the Sahel. However, Hungary’s efforts have no explicit link to Russia, and Hungary and Russia are likely not explicitly coordinating their activity in the region."

Africa File, September 19, 2024: Jnim Strikes Bamako; Hungary Enters The Sahel; Ethiopia Somalia Proxy Risks | Critical Threats

Victor Orban

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