Thursday, September 19, 2024

Germany Successfully Trials AI-Controlled Drone Swarm – Next Stop Ukraine?

Good news! Did somebody say Europe is falling behind in AI? I guess it depends on which AI we are talking about.

Given that Germany has been very reluctant since 1945 to militarily attack or threaten such an attack on the former Soviet Union or Russia, this is remarkable!

When will Putin the Terrible run for the exits? 😊

"In July 2023 the Bundeswehr initiated the KITU 2 (Künstliche Intelligenz für taktische UAS) study, in English the artificial Intelligence (AI) for tactical unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) study. Three German companies combined to address the requirement: Airbus Defence & Space as prime contractor along with the Munich based drone manufacturer Quantum Systems, and the software developer Spleenlab.

On Tuesday Quantum Systems announced that the consortium had made a “major breakthrough” after it had successfully flown an AI-controlled drone swarm made up of four different types of drone at the Airbus Drone Center in Manching, Bavaria at the beginning of August.

The statement said: “For the first time, a specially developed mission-AI controls and coordinates the UAV systems to ensure reliable mission execution even in scenarios with radio interference or a complete failure of individual drones.” ..."

Germany Successfully Trials AI-Controlled Drone Swarm – Next Stop Ukraine? "German Armed Forces-funded research into the use of artificial intelligence to control the next generation of drone swarms brought together three companies who combined to prove the concept."

Airbus and Quantum Systems make progress in autonomous swarm technology "Successful tests of 7 AI-controlled Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) at the Airbus Drone Center in Manching"

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