Wednesday, March 15, 2023

U.S. and EU Announce Plans to Develop AI Standards

Good news! However, the EU has a strong propensity for government paternalism and socialism!

The threat of even Bigger Government is real!

Unfortunately, the senile and demented 46th President and his largely incompetent administration might be to willing to give in to Europe's wrong policies!

"In late January, civil servants in the United States and European Union promised that the two would join forces and support development of AI models in five socially critical areas, including health care and the climate.
However, their agreement has yet to translate into concrete action. “In my opinion, it’s a statement of intent,” says Nicolas Moës, a Brussels-based AI policy researcher at the Future Society think tank. “We do not have, yet, a lot of understanding of how that is going to be executed.” ..."

U.S. and EU Announce Plans to Develop AI Standards - IEEE Spectrum The two will have to navigate thorny differences of opinion on issues like data governance, however

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