Thursday, March 16, 2023

Russo-Ukraine war: The shrimp shell gauze saving hundreds if not thousands of lives by preventing bleeding to death

Good news Amazing stuff!

"The bandages are coated with an extract known as chitosan that can stem bleeding by forming clots.
Made by Nonwovenn in Somerset, the bandages are in first-aid kits being sent out to the Ukrainian military.
Dr Iryna Rybinkina said: "It's been saving a lot of lives, thousands of them, I mean."
The consultant cardiac anaesthetist, who volunteers for the charity Smart Medical Aid, left her job in Brighton to train medics on the front line and has used the bandages many times. ...
She said: "Our charity supplied about 110,000, and we get a lot of feedback from the people who are using them. ...
Chitosan is extracted from shrimp shells and then purified. When it comes into contact with blood it swells into a gel to make a clot. ...
"They say 'you know what your first aid kit it, did save lives. We used the tourniquet and the Celox and the person actually arrived alive at the evacuation point'." ..."

Ukraine war: The shrimp shell fabric saving lives - BBC News An "anti-bleeding" fabric made from shrimp shells is saving thousands of lives in Ukraine, according to an NHS doctor working in the war-zone.

The life safer: The fastest acting hemostatic gauze, that stops severe arterial bleeding with only 60 seconds compression.

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