Wednesday, March 08, 2023

Chinese bank earnings threatened by early mortgage payments

As an economist, I say this is kind of an unusual headline!

In price inflationary times, they say real estate property is like an insurance/hedge or like gold!

There have been numerous news/reports in the past few years or so about a real estate and related financing bubble in China!

"Chinese banks are facing a new earnings challenge as growing numbers of homebuyers pay off their mortgages ahead of schedule, threatening lenders with the loss of years of anticipated interest income.
"I've not heard of early repayment of similar scale before," said Ding Shuang, chief economist for greater China and North Asia at Standard Chartered. "It will certainly have a negative impact on the banks' revenue." ..."

Chinese bank earnings threatened by early mortgage payments - Nikkei Asia Borrowers selling investments, taking out business loans to clear housing debts

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