Monday, March 13, 2023

China’s Three Roads to Controlling Taiwan

I did not read the entire report! However, it is quite possible that China will use any other aggressive, coercive means than military action or invasion to achieve its goal of reunification!

One can also bet, that the Communist Party of China will not allow the people of Taiwan to decide for themselves whether they want to be reunited or not.

I blogged here what I think would be a very effective defense strategy by Taiwan.

"Key Points
  1. China seeks to gain full control of Taiwan through three distinct but interrelated campaigns: forceful persuasion, coercion, and compellence.
  2. American policy’s focus on compellence marginalizes strategies that counter China’s persuasion and coercion campaigns.
  3. China is more likely to achieve its goals through persuasion and coercion or a form of compellence, such as a blockade of the island, short of an amphibious invasion.
  4. The US must urgently rethink its defense of Taiwan so that it blocks all three roads to Chinese victory. 

China’s Three Roads to Controlling Taiwan | American Enterprise Institute - AEI

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