Thursday, January 27, 2022

Denmark becomes latest European country to lift basically all Covid curbs

Bravo! It is long overdue to return to fairly normal life like before the pandemic!

Nothing is rotten in the state of Denmark would Shakespeare say if he was still alive! 

Why SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 is a relatively harmless disease and why the cure was worse than the disease.

"Denmark said it would lift almost all Covid-19 restrictions and stop designating it a “societally critical” disease on Wednesday [1/26/2022] in the latest sign that western European countries are easing or even eradicating strict measures brought in to combat the Omicron coronavirus variant.
Magnus Heunicke, Denmark’s health minister, wrote to parliament on Wednesday saying that he would remove all Covid-19 restrictions on February 1, except for testing on arrival from abroad. ..."

Denmark becomes latest European country to lift almost all Covid curbs | Financial Times Government follows UK, Ireland and Netherlands in easing restrictions despite high number of cases

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