Monday, January 31, 2022

Canada's Prime Minister Trudeau flees as protesting truckers besiege Ottawa

The son of a famous Canadian Prime Minister is not more than an empty suit! India's news service is mocking the current Prime Minister of Canada. This is rich!

Suedlink: Deutschland droht nächstes Großprojektdebakel

Grüsse aus der Bananenrepublik Deutschland! Mit zehntausenden von Windmühlen die Umwelt verschandeln und zurück ins vorindustrielle Zeitalter!

Suedlink: Deutschland droht nächstes Großprojektdebakel Die extrem wichtigen Stromautobahnen geraten immer weiter in Verzug – wird die wichtigste Leitung erst in den dreißiger Jahren fertig?

Cyber War Will Not Take Place! Really!

So the title of a book (published 2012) by a professor and often quoted subject matter expert! Someone sitting in an ivory tower?

The author is Thomas Rid, professor for strategic studies Johns Hopkins University/School of Advanced International Studies.

You better not listen to this fool!

Cyber warfare is a very real threat. Any power that can cripple the infrastructure or military operations of the enemy by using this new weapon surely has a serious advantage. What about surprise effect and first mover advantage?

Cyber warfare may also be used to constantly harass the enemy and to affect public opinion. This is actually already happening for some years! Western democracies are much more susceptible to this kind of attack than authoritarian regimes, which are, in turn, vulnerable to other factors.


UAE moving forward with planned $10b Israel investments

Good news! Blessed are the peacemakers! A match made in heaven! The Abraham Accords keep on giving! The legacy of President Trump is growing!

"... Sources close to the matter have told "Globes" that UAE Crown Prince Mohamed bin Zayed has decided to unfreeze the $10 billion in investments in Israeli companies that he promised former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. ..."

UAE moving forward with planned $10b Israel investments - Globes ADG will be the first fund to start operating in Israel, investing $200 million a year over the next 10 years

The Zen Of Knowing Your Bitcoin Opinion

I liked the headline, but I did not read the article entirely!

Perhaps, the privatization of money is one of the greatest projects of humanity in the 21 century!

The Zen Of Knowing Your Bitcoin Opinion - Bitcoin Magazine: Bitcoin News, Articles, Charts, and Guides Bitcoin does not care about your opinion and that is great. Great because this new monetary system is immune to anyone's opinion: yours, mine, politicians, economists, bankers or any human being. We are all the same to Bitcoin — which means that we can finally stop caring about someone else's monetary opinion too.

Jörg Meuthen verlässt die AfD - „Es wird etwas Neues kommen“

Schade, dass er die Alternative für Deutschland verlassen hat! Man darf gespannt sein was er weiter in der Politik machen wird.

Jörg Meuthen verlässt die AfD - „Es wird etwas Neues kommen“ | Cicero Online

Österreich: Verfassungsgerichtshof hinterfragt Rechtfertigung von Lockdown-Maßnahmen

Bravo! Sapere aude (Bibel, Immanuel Kant) der Verfassungsrichter! Diese mutigen Richter tun der ganzen Menschheit einen großen gefallen!

Großen Dank auch an Tichys Einblick diese Anfrage aufzugreifen!

Why SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 is a relatively harmless disease and why the cure was worse than the disease.

"Wenn Richter... ... die richtigen Fragen stellen
Tichys Einblick veröffentlichte am Samstag den Beitrag von Autor Chris Veber mit dem Titel: „Österreichs Verfassungsgericht bringt die Regierung in Erklärungsnot“. Gleich hieß es da und dort: Fake News. Doch nun wurde in wortgleichen Meldungen der Nachrichtenagentur APA in österreichischen Medien (wie zum Beispiel Die Presse) genau dieser Sachverhalt bestätigt – natürlich ohne Quelle und mit zweitägiger Verspätung zur TE-Meldung.

Der Vorgang ist brisant: Der österreichische Verfassungsgerichtshof (VfGH) hat am 26. Januar 2022 an den österreichischen Gesundheitsminister eine Liste mit detaillierten Fragen zur Corona-Politik übermittelt, die dieser bis zum 18. Februar 2022 beantworten muss. Damit gerate der grüne Gesundheitsminister Wolfgang Mückstein und mit ihm die ganze Regierung in schwere Erklärungsnot. Denn es gehe um Fragen, die bis jetzt absolut tabu waren und die an den Grundfesten der „Pandemie“ rütteln – und auch für Deutschland Bedeutung haben. 

Etwa um die Frage, ob die Hospitalisierungs- und Verstorbenenzahlen alle Infizierten erfassen – also die „an oder mit“-Covid-Frage –, und wenn ja, warum. Der VfGH will eine Aufschlüsselung der Todes- und Hospitalisierungsfälle, will wissen wo Corona ursächlich dafür war. Auch die Sinnhaftigkeit der FFP2-Maskenpflicht muss belegt werden. 

Der VfGH beziffert das Risiko, an Covid zu versterben, mit 0,15 Prozent, und fragt, wie die absolute und relative Risikoreduktion einer Impfung zu verstehen ist: nach einer, zwei oder drei Impfungen. Auch die „Pandemie der Ungeimpften“ wird infrage gestellt. Der Gesundheitsminister muss beantworten, inwieweit die „Schutzimpfung“ das Infektions-, Erkrankungs- und Übertragungsrisiko senkt. Schließlich will der VfGH wissen, ob es richtig sei, dass es 2021 weniger Covid-Tote, aber trotzdem eine wöchentliche Übersterblichkeit im dreistelligen Bereich gibt, und wie sich diese Übersterblichkeit erklärt.  

Diese Fragen sind alle nicht neu und wurden alle schon gestellt, auch in Deutschland. Die Fragesteller wurden jedoch als  „Querdenker“, „Schwurbler“ und „Rechte“ abgetan. Nun muss die österreichische Regierung genau diesen Kritikpunkten Rede und Antwort stehen. 

Auch in [Bananenrepublik] Deutschland sind diese brisanten Fragen bislang unbeantwortet. Wann und von wem wird die Bundesregierung dazu aufgefordert werden, die Fakten auf den Tisch zu legen und nicht nur wirre Statements des Gesundheitsministers? Denn Deutschland gerät durch die Entwicklung in anderen Ländern immer mehr unter Druck.

Wird auch Deutschland nach England die Impfpflicht im medizinischen Bereich kippen? In England soll die ab April 2022 geltende Impfpflicht des Pflegepersonals wegen der drohenden Kündigungswelle zurückgenommen wird; es fällt sogar die Maskenpflicht weg. In Deutschland dagegen wird die Impfpflicht für medizinisches Personal sogar weiter vorangetrieben, erste Arbeitgeber wollen bereits Mitarbeiter freistellen. Dabei ist die Ausarbeitung des Gesetzes schlampig – wie TE berichtete, soll unter anderem in Kliniken mit Personalnot kein Betätigungsverbot erfolgen. Möglicherweise zerbricht das Vorhaben in Deutschland allein schon am Verwaltungschaos, da niemand die Vorgaben kontrollieren kann. ..."

Österreich: Verfassungsgerichtshof hinterfragt Rechtfertigung von Lockdown-Maßnahmen

Österreichs oberste Richter haben viele Fragen Österreichs Verfassungsgerichtshof hat in den letzten zwei Jahren schon mehrmals Parlament und Regierung in ihre Schranken verwiesen. Nun könnte ein fünfseitiger Fragenkatalog, den die obersten Richter des Landes an Gesundheitsminister Wolfgang Mückstein geschickt haben, die türkis-grüne Regierung in Erklärungsnot bringen. Denn die gewichtige Briefsendung kommt fast schon einem postalischen „Spaziergang“ gleich.

Die Abrechnung mit der Energiewende

Sehr empfehlenswert! Die Bananenrepublik Deutschland im Klimawahn. Die Energiewende, die wohl grösste Dummheit seit 1945! Der SED Kanzlerin Merkel sei Dank!

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Canadian trucker calls out 'stifling of freedom' in Canada

Bravo! Mandate Freedom!!!

Arizona TGen researchers find genes associated with suicide

Good news! However, this early research requires further validation!

"... Piras led an international team comparing brain tissue of people who died by suicide versus those who died by natural causes. The team used the National Institutes of Health Gene Expression Omnibus to examine the orbitofrontal cortex, prefrontal cortex, and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex for genes associated with suicide.

In total, the researchers identified five genes they believe are associated with suicide based on the expression of the gene – the amount of a given gene - in the brain. The genes have connections to maladies like depression and Alzheimer’s disease. ..."

From the abstract:
"Suicide claims over 800,000 deaths worldwide, making it a serious public health problem. The etiopathophysiology of suicide remains unclear and is highly complex, and postmortem gene expression studies can offer insights into the molecular biological mechanism underlying suicide. In the current study, we conducted a meta-analysis of postmortem brain gene expression in relation to suicide. We identified five gene expression datasets for postmortem orbitofrontal, prefrontal, or dorsolateral prefrontal cortical brain regions from the Gene Expression Omnibus repository. ... We found reduced expression of the KCNJ2 (Potassium Inwardly Rectifying Channel Subfamily J Member 2), A2M (Alpha-2-Macroglobulin), AGT (Angiotensinogen), PMP2 (Peripheral Myelin Protein 2), and VEZF1 (Vascular Endothelial Zinc Finger 1) genes (FDR p<0.05). Our findings support the involvement of astrocytes, stress response, immune system, and microglia in suicide. These findings will require further validation in additional large datasets."

Arizona researchers find genes associated with suicide | The research could be used to find treatments to help those struggling with suicidal thoughts.

Licoricia of Winchester, Jewish businesswoman murdered in 1277

Recommendable! What a story! What a lady! Was she named after licorice?

"Winchester, a city near London that preceded it as the capital of England, plans to unveil a statue honoring a Jewish woman who ran a successful business and raised four children there until her murder in 1277. ...
A money lender, Licoricia’s clients included King Henry III and Queen Eleanor. Living in times of virulent antisemitism — her death preceded the 1290 total of expulsion of Jews from England by only 13 years — she had been jailed repeatedly before being murdered in a mysterious attack in Winchester. She was also widowed twice. ...
“The broader message is that we all benefit from letting women take an equal part in our society. It also holds up the fact that as she was Jewish she was persecuted in those times,” ...
The statue features the inscription: “Love thy neighbour as thyself” from Leviticus, in English and Hebrew. ...
Asser was Licoricia’s son from her second marriage to a wealthy Jewish divorcee called David of Oxford; at one point, a decade after her death, he was imprisoned in Winchester Castle while the king of England again sought to tax Jew. She also had three children with her first husband, Abraham of Kent, before he died in 1244.
Following his death, Licoricia was held prisoner in the Tower of London until a share of her husband’s estate was paid to the crown. It went to finance the rebuilding of Westminster Abbey ..."

"... Licoricia’s second marriage took place in 1242 to one of the wealthiest of all English Jews of that time, David of Oxford. In order to marry Licorica, David had to divorce his first wife, Muriel. A complex legal battle ensued ...
After the divorce and Licoricia’s marriage to David, she settled in Oxford ... There she assisted David in his business dealings. ...
Released in September 1244 [from prison], Licoricia returned to live with her family in Winchester. She immediately began to carry on with David’s business enterprises and started new ones of her own. She frequented King Henry’s court whenever he was in Winchester, dealing with members of his entourage as well as with the King himself, who aided her in some of her more questionable activities. ..."

England's one-time capital to honor Licoricia of Winchester, Jewish businesswoman murdered there in 1277 - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Casanova: World's Greatest Lover

Very recommendable! The master of ballrooms and bedrooms! A gamble by day and a pleasure seeker by night. In his autobiography he wrote he was all his life a victim of his senses! 💋
The worst crime in Venice in his days was to be boring! He appreciated every women no matter how short their encounter.
He did not speak for the first eight years of his life and was prone to nose bleeding ...
At age 17 he completed his priestly education and he also experienced his first ... sexual encounter, a simultaneous seduction of two orphaned sisters ... He learnt it is better to have to women compete for him ...
His entire autobiography was not published until the 1960s because of its content.

Why it's almost impossible to lose things in Japan

Fascinating! Japan has an over 1000 year old law to return lost items!

The flying car gets authorisation from civil aviation regulators

Wow! The sky is the limit!
This is the company behind: KleinVision (Slovakia)

Friday, January 28, 2022

Albrecht Dürer the printmaker

Very recommendable! What a genius & craftsman! Mind boggling!

Defund the Police proponent and 'Squad' member Cori Bush's vehicle hit by gunfire in St. Louis

Is this some kind of poetic justice

This silly U.S. Representative could be dead or seriously injured! 

Until now I did not realize this U.S. Representative is also a member of the so called Squad. Most news article I had seen so far did not explicitly or directly mention her political views or affiliations!

Defund the Police proponent and 'Squad' member Cori Bush's vehicle hit by gunfire in St. Louis | Just The News

Did Mormon missionaries infect remote pacific islanders with Covid-19?

Is this article a case of when journalists espouse their ideological narratives or give in to stereotypes? Quite possible! Narrative: White missionaries bring misery to native people.

The below story was promptly picked up by the leftist Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Global Health Now newsletter: "COVID-19 has finally hit one of the last uninfected places—the remote Pacific archipelago of Kiribati—after missionaries who had left the island were allowed to come home this month."

"... Kiribati finally began reopening this month, allowing the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to charter a plane to bring home 54 of the island nation’s citizens. Many of those aboard were missionaries who had left Kiribati before the border closure to spread the faith abroad for what is commonly known as the Mormon church.
Officials tested each returning passenger three times in nearby Fiji, required that they be vaccinated, and put them in quarantine with additional testing when they arrived home.
It wasn’t enough.
More than half the passengers tested positive for the virus, which has now slipped out into the community and prompted the government to declare a state of disaster. An initial 36 positive cases from the flight had ballooned to 181 cases by Friday. ..."

COVID hits one of the last uninfected places on the planet | AP News

8 Cities That Help Explain National Crime Wave in the U.S.

Recommendable! Nice summary article!

What happens when the Dimocratic Party governs some of the big cities in the U.S.!
Many Dimocratic Party leaders like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, or AOC come across as incompetent and sometimes infantile.
Since 2021, we have a demented and senile 46th President.
Things can only go downhill!

Our best hope: The mid-term elections of 2022! The Dimocratic Party needs a major shock!

8 Cities That Help Explain National Crime Wave

More than half of British Covid-19 hospital patients treated primarily for something else

There are lies, damned lies, and statistics! With the Covid-19 pandemic we got a lot of it!

Unfortunately, I was not able to quickly find the study underlying the article below.

The death count is ambiguous if not inflated. Everybody was counted dying with the coronavirus independent of the cause of death. Of course, there is also the undercount, but undercount does not justify an overcount.

Now, we learn that possibly the hospital admission count is similarly misleading: Many cases are counted although they were treated primarily for something else and/or the patient was admitted for something else.

"More than half of all Covid-19 patients in hospital trusts in England are being treated primarily for something else, new figures show.
Of the 13,023 patients reported as having the virus on January 25, 6,767 (52%) were not being treated principally for Covid-19.
This is the highest proportion since these figures were first published in June 2021, and is up from 26% at the start of December. ..."

More than half of Covid-19 patients treated primarily for something else

Holocaust-Überlebende im Bundestag: »Mein innigster Wunsch ist die Versöhnung aller Menschen«

Empfehlenswert! Mehrere Männer in ihrer Familie kämpften als Soldaten für Deutschland im Ersten Weltkrieg. Einige sind gefallen.

"Die Kinde der Welt sind meine ... Wir sind alle als Kinder Gottes geboren ..."
Auf jüdisch: Sie ist ein Mensch!

Die Maskenparade der Bundestagsabgeordneten im Deutschen Bundestag ist ein Kasperltheater, einfach lächerlich, würdig einer Bananenrepublik!

CT scanning ancient Egyptian mummies

Very recommendable! Several diseases are covered in this video, which were usually thought of as modern diseases!

How Evergrande Became China’s Biggest Financial Headache

Very recommendable! Will Evergrande turn China into a paper tiger? Will it even topple the self anointed usurper, imperialist, and hegemon, the communist dictator for life Xi Jinping?

AfD Alice Weidel: Die IMPF-PFLICHT ist ein autoritärer Amoklauf!

Sehr empfehlenswert! Tolle Rede von Frau Weidel! Die AfD ist die einzig wählbare Partei in der Bananenrepublik Deutschland!

Why SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 is a relatively harmless disease and why the cure was worse than the disease.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Kazakhstan & Ukraine: How does RUSSIA seek to DEPLOY its political and military POWER?

Very recommendable! When will the Russian people finally get rid of Putin the Terrible?

Tucker Carlson: What are we getting for $1.2 trillion infrastructure spending

Very recommendable! Tucker exposes the moron Transportation Secretary Buttigieg!
What do the American people get equity (racism), more speed cameras, more bike and bus lanes, lower speed limits, climate change remediation ... 

Greg Kelly: Footage of contractors flying illegal immigrants across the United States

When will the demented and senile 46th President finally be impeached over the massive illegal immigration across the southern border!

Phenominal Q4 2021 GDP growth largely driven by warehouse inventory build up

Not so good news! What will be the impact of this on the Q1 2022?

"... One reason the recovery feels so bad is that much of it took place in the warehouses. The biggest factor in GDP growth in the fourth quarter was an increase in business inventories. This alone was responsible for 4.9 points of the 6.9 rate in the fourth quarter. What that indicates is that businesses produced a lot more than they sold in the fourth quarter. But since GDP is a measure of production, the inventory build counts as a positive.

So why was the inventory build so much bigger than expected? Inflation likely made a contribution. Businesses expecting prices to keep climbing have an incentive to stockpile now at a lower cost so they can sell later at the inflated prices. And we suspect that the early holiday shopping likely played a role by pumping up expectations for huge holiday sales. ..."

Breitbart Business Digest

Over 5.4 million Americans became first-time gun owners in 2021

Good news! Welcome to America! If you don't know what American Exceptionalism is look no further than the Second Amendment!

This is true diversity, equity, and inclusion as opposed to the phony ideology by the same terms! 😄 This will not be cancelled!

"The firearm buying frenzy continued into 2021 as nearly 5.5 million Americans became first-time gun owners, reports the Washington Examiner. Notably, sales expanded among women, black, Asian, and Hispanic Americans. ...
NSSF reported in its annual Firearm Retailer Survey that, in 2021, more than one-third of first-time gun buyers were women, 44% of firearm retailers saw an increase in sales to African-Americans, 40% saw an increase in sales to Hispanic Americans, and more than 27% increased sales to Asian Americans. The survey also noted increased sales to Native Americans and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islanders. ..."

5.4 million Americans became first-time gun owners in 2021 - TheBlaze

English for trippers: Total rhubarb!

The Prime Minister Boris Johnson lately abused the rhubarb plant used for pies and preserves?

Did he mean to say total rubbish? What a gibberish!

Dietary preferences Implicated in Autism-Microbiome Link

Recommendable! You are what you eat and what you don't eat! 😄

"... Although some patients with ASD have gastrointestinal issues and unbalanced gut microbes, or dysbiosis, the evidence that this contributes to ASD symptoms is unconvincing ... For example, animal studies showing that the transference of certain microbes into mice can alleviate ASD-like behaviours are hard to interpret ... because “rodents don’t get autism.” ...
ASD-diagnosed kids were more likely to have a restricted and poor-quality diet than those without a diagnosis. The team also found that this diet seemed to be driven by certain traits associated with ASD including restricted, repetitive behaviors and sensory sensitivity. ...
It’s the reduced dietary diversity which is driving changes in the microbiome and not the other way around,” ..."

From the abstract:
"There is increasing interest in the potential contribution of the gut microbiome to autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, previous studies have been underpowered and have not been designed to address potential confounding factors in a comprehensive way. We performed a large autism stool metagenomics study (n = 247) ... We found negligible direct associations between ASD diagnosis and the gut microbiome. Instead, our data support a model whereby ASD-related restricted interests are associated with less-diverse diet, and in turn reduced microbial taxonomic diversity and looser stool consistency. ... Overall, microbiome differences in ASD may reflect dietary preferences that relate to diagnostic features, and we caution against claims that the microbiome has a driving role in ASD."

Diet Implicated in Autism-Microbiome Link | The Scientist Magazine® The unbalanced gut flora present in some people with autism is not a driver of the condition but rather a consequence of eating behaviors characteristic of the condition, a new study claims.

Autism-related dietary preferences mediate autism-gut microbiome associations (no public access. Cell journal only supports open access)

101 years ago: origins of the word 'robot'

You are a robot in case you did not know the origin of the word robot! (just kidding)

"It’s been 101 years since the Czech play R.U.R., which stands for Rossum’s Universal Robots, premiered on January 25, 1921, introducing the word ‘robot’ to the world.
Karel Čapek, the playwright behind the work, premiered the science fiction play at the National Theatre in Prague, Czech Republic. Čapek drew the word from an old Church Slavic word robota, meaning “servitude” or “forced labor.” ..."

101 years ago: origins of the word 'robot'

Denmark becomes latest European country to lift basically all Covid curbs

Bravo! It is long overdue to return to fairly normal life like before the pandemic!

Nothing is rotten in the state of Denmark would Shakespeare say if he was still alive! 

Why SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 is a relatively harmless disease and why the cure was worse than the disease.

"Denmark said it would lift almost all Covid-19 restrictions and stop designating it a “societally critical” disease on Wednesday [1/26/2022] in the latest sign that western European countries are easing or even eradicating strict measures brought in to combat the Omicron coronavirus variant.
Magnus Heunicke, Denmark’s health minister, wrote to parliament on Wednesday saying that he would remove all Covid-19 restrictions on February 1, except for testing on arrival from abroad. ..."

Denmark becomes latest European country to lift almost all Covid curbs | Financial Times Government follows UK, Ireland and Netherlands in easing restrictions despite high number of cases

Kamala Harris as U.S. Supreme Court Justice?

There are lot's of rumors spreading now after the leaked announcement of Justice Breyer's imminent retirement.

Yesterday, the video footage was shown in the news that demented and senile Biden not long ago promised to nominate a black woman to the U.S. Supreme Court. What a foolish and racist proposal!

The only reason to nominate Kamala Harris would be to remove her from the Vice Presidency so that the 46th President could either resign himself and do the world a great favor and create a unique legacy as president or nominate someone else to become Vice President. This reason is not good enough!

Can you imagine the obviously inept Mistress Kamala, who repeatedly felt the need to assert in public that she is the Vice President, as a U.S. Supreme Court Justice? Most  Americans would giggle and cringe at this prospect!

The demented and senile 46th President ought not to insult the U.S. Supreme Court Justices by nominating Kamala Harris!

Germany Blocks NATO Ally From Transferring Weapons to Ukraine

Germany's lackluster support for the Ukraine is bewildering and absurd! It is a joke! What a shame! What a banana republic!

As a minimum Germany could provide defensive weapons like anti tank missiles etc.!

There were other, similar news about Germany:
Germany’s offer of 5,000 helmets to Ukraine is met with disdain amid Russia invasion fears (Germany has been conspicuously reluctant to send equipment to the country.)
Germany to provide medical help to Ukraine – but no weapons (German defence minister says the government will do everything in its power to de-escalate the crisis with Russia but arms transfers to Ukraine are not an option.)

"Germany is blocking North Atlantic Treaty Organization ally Estonia from giving military support to Ukraine by refusing to issue permits for German-origin weapons to be exported to Kyiv as it braces for a potential Russian invasion.
Unlike the U.S., Britain, Poland and other allies, the German government has declined to export lethal weapons directly to Ukraine. ..."

Germany Blocks NATO Ally From Transferring Weapons to Ukraine - WSJ Refusal to permit Estonia to transfer artillery that originated in Germany points to strains in Western alliance over Ukraine

Franz Liszt: Perhaps The Best Pianist To Ever Exist

Recommendable! With a long introduction about the great city of Budapest in Hungary! However, this documentary contains fairly little about Liszt and a lot about later Hungarian musicians like Bartok.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

How Black American hair racism affects mental health care

What a strange article article!!! This is propaganda and demagoguery! 

When you wear ideological racism glasses like this silly and obsessed author, then everything looks like racism!

This article is about electroconvulsive therapy, or ECT.

The first comment and so far only comment (as of 1/26/2022, 15:15 MST) to this article states: 
"... Having said that, I am a white woman with thick, dense, coarse curly hair; short of shaving a spot, an electrode would never adhere to my scalp.Perhaps my ECT has been administered incorrectly all of these years without having been connected via scalp electrodes. ..."

"As a Black woman with long, poofy hair, I was delighted to see Oregon join California and 11 other states that have passed laws against hair discrimination. In those states, workplaces and educational institutions can no longer legally discriminate against Black people for their hairstyles and hair texture. ...
That’s why people with Afro-textured hair would be encouraged to, as the psychiatrist I was observing said, either change their hair or be disqualified from using the unilateral form of ECT with fewer side effects. That raised the question for me: Why should Black people have to adapt to medical technology that was not designed for them? ...
This perpetuates racism and white supremacy with devastating medical consequences for Black patients needing this last-chance therapy. ..."

How Black hair racism affects mental health care - STAT

Biden Administration announces withdrawal of US support for EastMed pipeline

The demented and senile 46th President of the U.S. commits more stupid acts like the revocation of the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline before.

US Reps question withdrawal of US support for EastMed pipeline - The Jerusalem Post The US Biden administration informed Israel, Greece, Cyprus that it no longer supports the proposed EastMed natural-gas pipeline from Israel to Europe, reversing Trump's administration's position.

OpenAlex, a new competitor for Semantic Scholar and Google Scholar

Good news! The website will be launched in February 2022! I am  looking forward to using it like Semantic Scholar and Google Scholar.

This web search engine also provides a public API so I can automate my queries! 

It appears this will be some kind of a successor of Microsoft Academic, which unfortunately shut down at the end of 2021

"... Our two most important data sources are MAG [Microsoft Academic Graph] and Crossref. ..."

Welcome! - OpenAlex documentation

Rejuvenation by controlled reprogramming is the latest gambit in anti-aging

Very recommendable! Amazing stuff! This is a long and comprehensive article!

I have little doubt that we are coming closer to finding the fountain of youth! Perhaps, we are only 10-20 years away!

"... a recent surge of investment in ventures seeking to build anti-aging interventions on the back of basic research into epigenetic reprogramming ...
The discovery of the ‘Yamanaka factors’ — four transcription factors (Oct3/4, Sox2, c-Myc and Klf4) that can reprogram a differentiated somatic cell into a pluripotent embryonic-like state — earned Kyoto University researcher Shinya Yamanaka a share of the Nobel prize in 2012. The finding, described in 2006, transformed stem cell research by providing a new source of embryonic stem cell (ESC)-like cells, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), that do not require human embryos for their derivation. But in recent years, Yamanaka factors have also become the focus for another burgeoning area: aging research. ...
So-called partial reprogramming consists in applying Yamanaka factors to cells for long enough to roll back cellular aging and repair tissues but without returning to pluripotency. Several groups, including those headed by Stanford University’s Vittorio Sebastiano, the Salk Institute’s Juan Carlos Izpisúa Belmonte and Harvard Medical School’s David Sinclair (Table 1), have shown that partial reprogramming can dramatically reverse age-related phenotypes in the eye, muscle and other tissues in cultured mammalian cells and even rodent models by countering epigenetic changes associated with aging. ...
partial reprogramming could be potentially “transformative” when it comes to treating or even preventing age-related diseases ...
the biology of rejuvenation by reprogramming remains enigmatic and opaque, at best. ... “But much more research is needed to dig into the molecular and mechanistic processes that are occurring.” Given that fully reprogrammed iPSCs readily form tumors known as teratomas ...
Yamanaka’s technique, which can even generate biologically youthful stem cells from centenarian donors, has been extensively studied over the past 15 years. ... that most iPSC reprogramming comes down to rewriting epigenetic marks — chemical modifications of the genome, such as DNA and histone methylation, that influence which genes are active or quiescent and that tend to change as cells age. ...
In 2020, ... team reset the epigenome to restore vision in mice using the adeno-associated virus (AAV) vector to deliver three Yamanaka genes ... The expression of the transcription factors in retinal ganglion cells reversed vision loss in mice, promoting axon regeneration after optic nerve injuries or glaucoma in aged mice. Critically, the researchers saw no sign of lost cellular identity, even when the three Yamanaka genes were continuously expressed. ..."

Rejuvenation by controlled reprogramming is the latest gambit in anti-aging Startups are betting that partial reprogramming with Yamanaka factors may lead to age reversal, but hurdles remain.

The Chinese Philosopher Who Explained Spontaneous Order 2,000 Years Before Adam Smith

Updated on 6/4/2022


Spontaneous order is one of the most important, often misunderstood, and wrongly dismissed concepts of classical liberalism!

"... his poem "Butterfly Dream" goes like this:
Once upon a time, I dreamt I was a butterfly,
fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes
a butterfly. I was conscious only of my happiness as a
butterfly, unaware that I was myself. Soon I awaked,
and there I was, veritably myself again. Now I don't
know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a
butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am a man. ...

Zhuangzi was not the founder of the [robust libertarian intellectual tradition in Ancient China], however. The tradition ... started with Lao-Tzu (500 BC), a philosopher credited as the father of Taoism who rejected the alleged authoritarianism of Confucianism in favor of individual rights. ...
Zhuangzi followed in Lao-Tzu’s footsteps, and in his most famous work, The Zhuangzi, he shares what ... are the first historical traces of the idea of spontaneous order.
Chuang-tzu reiterated and embellished Lao-tzu's devotion to laissez faire and opposition to state rule: "There has been such a thing as letting mankind alone; there has never been such a thing as governing mankind [with success]." In fact, the world simply "does not need governing; in fact it should not be governed." Chuang-tzu was also the first to work out the idea of "spontaneous order," developed particularly by Proudhon in the nineteenth and by F. A. Hayek of the Austrian School in the twentieth Century:
A perusing of The Zhuangzi shows that Zhuangzi’s conception of spontaneous order could not be more clear: “Good order results spontaneously when things are let alone."
An entire chapter in Zhuangzi’s book is dedicated to “letting alone.” In the chapter, Zhuangzi writes that the natural conditions of human existence require “not artificial aids.” The philosopher touches on the evils of government, traces the failures of coercion in the province, and describes how action springs from inaction (government inaction).
Many tend to think of concepts such as limited government and spontaneous order as “Western” ideas, but this is hardly the case. ..."

The Chinese Philosopher Who Explained Spontaneous Order 2,000 Years Before Adam Smith - Foundation for Economic Education The Chinese philosopher Zhuang Zhou (aka Zhuangzi) is credited with working out one of the most important economic concepts in the world: spontaneous order.

Recent Russia & China alliance is a Force Multiplier for China's Taiwan Strategy

Very concerning! The West needs to form better alliances to counter like with India, Australia, or countries of Southeast Asia!

Is the Russia gamble about an invasion of Ukraine a deliberate diversion so that China can follow through on its intent to invade Taiwan?

"... “Beijing and Moscow, once bitter adversaries, now cooperate on military issues, cyber security, high technology, and in outer space, among other areas. While it falls short of an alliance, the deepening Sino-Russian partnership confounds US strategists.” While this collaboration does not represent a formal alliance like NATO—and scholars remain averse to characterizing this relationship thusly—this author has and continues to maintain that it is an alliance in fact

The nature of the Russia-China alliance has confounded experts and policymakers alike. Nevertheless, this alliance’s qualities and ambitions are visible, and have been particularly manifested in the military sphere. Indeed, People’s Republic of China (PRC) Foreign Minister Wang Yi recently proclaimed that Russia and China can work together to maintain global order. While few have endeavored to ascertain Russia’s potential role in China’s Taiwan strategy, Russia actually offers numerous advantages to China in its unrelenting campaign to “reincorporate” Taiwan. Therefore, in regards to Taiwan, Russia is a force multiplier for China. ...
Although Moscow rarely comments on Taiwan, it did so in October 2021 when Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated that, “Russia, like the overwhelming majority of other countries, considers Taiwan to be part of the People’s Republic of China […] We have proceeded and will proceed from this premise in our foreign policy.” Similarly, Moscow also supports Beijing on key issues of Asian security beyond Taiwan, maintaining staunch opposition to US efforts to strengthen cohesion among India, Australia, and Japan (under the concept of the “The Quad”), as well as mechanisms like the Australia-United States-United Kingdom (AUKUS) collaboration on maritime security. In general, Moscow apparently strives to weaken the U.S. network of allies in Asia.  ...
Russo-Chinese coordination is strongest in the military sphere, a fact that has duly triggered foreign apprehension regarding possible concerted action against the United States and its allies in Asia and Europe via simultaneous probes directed against both Taiwan and Ukraine. Bilateral support from the two militaries for the alliance has grown steadily and has proven to be durable. Moreover, Russian elites very much favor enhanced collaboration. ..."

Russia: China’s Force Multiplier for Its Taiwan Strategy

New Wave of Hong Kong Emigrants to Taiwan Continues to Rise

Taiwan, a safe haven for oppressed Hong Kong citizens.

"Throughout 2021, China’s unrelenting crackdown on liberty in Hong Kong continued to widen, with the mass arrests of democracy activists and the shuttering of the last few remaining independent media outlets in the Special Administrative Region (SAR). Under the draconian National Security Law passed by China’s National People’s Congress in June 2020, the naked suppression of people’s civil rights was masked by authorities holding so-called “patriots-only” elections in December 2021 despite all pro-democracy candidates having effectively been barred from running. While the December election had the lowest turnout of voters in the SAR’s history, a record number of Hong Kong persons have been voting with their feet instead and emigrating to other countries, including Taiwan. ...
Statistics from the Immigration Department of Taiwan’s Ministry of the Interior show that from January to November 2021, there were 9,772 Hong Kong persons granted residence permits, an increase of 271 from 9,501 over the same period last year. Similarly, 1,572 Hong Kong persons were granted permanent resident permits, an increase of 175 persons from 1,397 last year. ...
The emigration figures show a continuation of the significant increase of migrants from Hong Kong to Taiwan starting a year earlier. In 2020, Taiwan issued 10,813 resident permits to Hong Kong residents (for work, study, etc.) and 1,576 permanent residency permits. The 2020 count significantly exceeded the 5,858 residency permits that Taiwan issued in 2019—when the extradition law was first introduced—as well as the 4,148 issued in 2018 and 4,057 issued in 2016. ...
In addition to the significant number of visitors from Hong Kong to Taiwan, which averaged well above 1 million on a yearly basis from 2013-2015 ...
[t]here were 10,960 Hong Kong and Macao students enrolled in Taiwan universities in 2020; Hong Kong students accounted for 7,807 of the total, representing the largest share of overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, and Macao students studying in Taiwan ..."

New Wave of Hong Kong Emigrants to Taiwan Continues to Rise Amid Growing National Security Concerns

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Irrweg Atomausstieg? - Mythos Atomkraft

Sehr empfehlenswert! Der abrupte, total irrationale Ausstieg aus der Kernenergie in Deutschland ist einer Bananenrepublik höchst würdig!

Hier ist meine Abrechnung mit der SED Kanzlerin! Die Frau hat sogar einen Doktortitel in physikalischer Chemie!

Tucker Carlson: Biden has enabled this ongoing assault on our southern border

Unbelievable! Feds are handing out cash to illegal immigrants and much more. Illegal immigrants are allowed to show their arrest warrant in lieu of other identification.

Turning parasite Toxoplasma Against Cancer

Good news! Cancer is history! The popular science article below also features a background or history on cancer immunotherapy!

Unfortunately, the popular science article below also uses the recent ideological term "pregnant people" instead of pregnant women!

"... immune checkpoints ... many tumors take advantage of them, throwing on these molecular brakes to dampen the antitumor immune response. A common form of immunotherapy called immune checkpoint blockade, or checkpoint inhibition, seeks to counter this kind of immunosuppression by physically blocking the immune checkpoint molecules so they can’t relay inhibitory signals. But while this treatment is successful in some patients, it fails in many others, and scientists don’t entirely know why—or more importantly, how to overcome the tumor’s immunosuppression. Key clues to solving this mystery are coming from an unexpected source: the brain-dwelling parasite Toxoplasma gondii. 

The idea of tackling cancer with a brain parasite arose in the 1960s and 1970s when scientists observed that Toxoplasma infection boosted murine immune resistance to several infections and diseases, including cancers. In the decades since, evidence that Toxoplasma infections could aid in cancer treatment has been mounting ...
Around the turn of the twentieth century, New York–based cancer surgeon William Coley made a surprising discovery while reading through old patient records: seven years earlier, a terminal cancer patient had contracted a bacterial infection. This may seem unremarkable, except for the fact that the patient, who should have succumbed to cancer years before, was still alive and doing well. Coley hypothesized that something about the bacterial infection had caused the tumor to shrink, so he started to experiment by injecting his own cancer patients with living or dead bacteria. If patients survived the infection (not all did), they often saw their tumors shrink and their prognoses improve. Eventually, Coley standardized his treatment into a vaccine comprised of dead bacteria known as Coley’s toxin. By injecting patients with it, he could induce cancer-killing inflammation without risking infection with live pathogens. ...
Delivering immune-stimulating treatments directly into tumors has come to be known as in situ vaccination. According to Fiering, the vaccination acts as an adjuvant to jumpstart an antitumor immune response that has often been weakened by a number of self-protection strategies tumor cells deploy. ..."

From the abstract:
"... Treatment with T. gondii ΔGRA17 tachyzoites and anti-PD-L1 therapy significantly extended the survival of mice and suppressed tumor growth in preclinical mouse models of melanoma, Lewis lung carcinoma, and colon adenocarcinoma. Attenuation of the tumor growth was detected in the injected and distant tumors, which was associated with upregulation of innate and adaptive immune pathways. Complete regression of tumors was underpinned by late interferon-gamma-producing CD8+ cytotoxic T cells. ..."

Turning Toxoplasma Against Cancer | The Scientist Magazine® Several research groups have found that Toxoplasma gondii infection can ramp up antitumor immune responses in mice. Can the single-cell parasite be used to develop safe treatments for humans?

The World’s Oldest Republic Reveals the Secret to Peace and Prosperity by Lawrence Reed

Very recommendable! It is about San Marino! There are a number of small and very special countries in Europe like Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Switzerland, and San Marino.

The motto of San Marino: "Libertas" (Latin) "Freedom"

"It claims, credibly, to be home to the oldest existing sovereign state as well as the oldest constitutional republic. For most of its 17 centuries of existence, it’s been one of the freer and more tolerant of the world’s countries.
Reminiscent of the Roman Republic of more than two millennia ago, this country has not one but two heads of state. They are elected by the legislature, are coequal in their rather limited powers, and are subject to the strictest term limits in the world. Replacements are elected every six months! More women have served as heads of state in this country than in any other. ...
[officially known as the] Most Serene Republic of San Marino. It comprises just 38 square miles and about 33,000 people. ...
Another reason is its role as a haven for the oppressed. It took in many endangered people during the conflicts over Italian unification in the 19th Century. During World War II, it opened its doors to 100,000 refugees—a figure several times as large as its own population.
San Marino is not a member of the European Union, though it shares an open border with the EU and uses the Euro as its currency. ...
Today, the country’s corporate tax rate is below both Italy’s and the average across the EU, making it a favorite haven for European businesses. And it taxes capital gains at a mere five percent, a third of the US rate. In the World Bank’s “Ease of Doing Business” index, San Marino ranks an average 92 among the 190 countries ranked. Its economy is dominated by finance, manufacturing, and tourism. It is a very friendly, welcoming place. ...
The 2021 Freedom in the World Report from Freedom House ... ranks San Marino the 12th freest country in the world. ..."

The World’s Oldest Republic Reveals the Secret to Peace and Prosperity - Foundation for Economic Education It’s a place where people live and let live.

Pakistan's first female Supreme Court judge sworn in

Modernity and gender equality is coming to Pakistan slowly, but surely! Ayesha A. Malik's law degree is from Harvard Law School. She is 55 years old.

Pakistan was founded in 1947. It took only 75 years for this to happen!

"... only 4% of Pakistan's high court judges are women. ... Last year, she outlawed the use of so-called "virginity tests" during rape examinations of sexual assault victims. ..."

Pakistan's first female Supreme Court judge sworn in - BBC News

Why Did Art Flourish During The Tang Dynasty?

Very recommendable!

Monday, January 24, 2022

What’s China up to in Central America?

Recommendable! China is reaching out far and wide towards becoming a global superpower!

How will this affect the Monroe Doctrine? The U.S. certainly should be concerned!

"... China’s relationship with Central America, however, has historically been insignificant. As recently as 20 years ago, China’s volume of trade with all of Latin America amounted to just US$12 billion. Central America’s share was paltry.

Yet much has changed, especially since 2007, when Costa Rica became the first Central American nation in the millennium to break from Taiwan and recognise the People’s Republic of China. The move saw Costa Rica benefit from higher trade flows with China, increased Chinese investment and a new national sports stadium, among other infrastructure and development projects.
Panama offers a similar story. In 2001–02, its exports to the PRC totalled US$2 million; its imports from China amounted to just US$41 million. After recognising the PRC in June 2017, however, the Panamanian government opened negotiations on a free-trade agreement and became the first in the region to sign up to the Belt and Road Initiative. Two-way trade accordingly multiplied by a factor of 22. Panama’s exports to China rose to US$33 million by 2019, its imports from China mushroomed to 27 times that figure. ... Twenty-one major infrastructure projects have either happened or been touted, ranging from container ports and terminals linked to the Panama Canal to a fourth bridge over the waterway, rail lines, electricity transmission lines and telecommunications. Chinese commercial interests were soon sniffing around Panama’s largest commercial operation, a copper mine that ranks among the world’s largest (owned by a Canadian company with foundational links to Australia).
More recently, El Salvador and Nicaragua have abandoned Taipei. In the former’s case, this happened in August 2018 under El Salvador’s left-wing government, led by Salvador Sanchez Ceren, a former guerrilla leader who had waged a civil war against a US-backed junta from 1979 to 1992. ..."

What’s China up to in Central America? | The Strategist

Tinkering with Gut Microbes Boosts Brain Plasticity in Mice


"... Now, a study published January 11 in Cell Reports finds that the environment could act indirectly: living in enriched environments changes the animals’ gut microbiota, which appears to modulate plasticity. ...
To assess plasticity, the team used monocular deprivation, where the input to one eye is blocked by sewing it shut so that neurons in the visual cortex are driven to shift to responding to the other eye. In mice raised in enriched cages, this shift can be observed after several days of deprivation, while the neurons of mice raised in standard housing never make the shift. 
In a first step, the researchers analyzed the spectrum of bacteria present in the guts of mice raised in standard cages and in enriched cages. Although both groups of mice ate the same diet, the microbiota composition in their gut began to differ as the mice grew up, and had diverged substantially by 90 days after birth. "

From the abstract:
"Exposing animals to an enriched environment (EE) has dramatic effects on brain structure, function, and plasticity. ... revealing that gut microbiota signals are crucial for EE-driven plasticity. Developmental analysis reveals striking differences in intestinal bacteria composition between EE and standard rearing (ST) mice, as well as enhanced levels of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) in EE mice. Depleting the microbiota of EE mice with antibiotics strongly decreases SCFA and prevents activation of adult ocular dominance plasticity, spine dynamics, and microglia rearrangement. SCFA treatment in ST mice mimics EE induction of ocular dominance plasticity and microglial remodeling. Remarkably, transferring the microbiota of EE mice to ST recipients activates adult ocular dominance plasticity. Thus, experience-dependent changes in gut microbiota regulate brain plasticity."

Tinkering with Gut Microbes Boosts Brain Plasticity in Mice | The Scientist Magazine® Intestinal bacteria contribute to the effect of stimulating environments on the brain’s ability to adapt, a study concludes.

Global burden of bacterial antimicrobial resistance in 2019: a systematic analysis

Recommendable! This is a major study on this subject!

Antimicrobial resistance has been known to be a major health issue for several decades. It is somewhat surprising that we still do not have better remedies for it given all the rapid knowledge we are accumulating.

"... To our knowledge, this study provides the first comprehensive assessment of the global burden of AMR, as well as an evaluation of the availability of data. AMR is a leading cause of death around the world, with the highest burdens in low-resource settings. ...
On the basis of our predictive statistical models, there were an estimated 4.95 million (3·62–6·57) deaths associated with bacterial AMR in 2019, including 1.27 million (95% UI 0·911–1·71) deaths attributable to bacterial AMR. At the regional level, we estimated the all-age death rate attributable to resistance to be highest in western sub-Saharan Africa, at 27·3 deaths per 100 000 (20·9–35·3), and lowest in Australasia, at 6·5 deaths (4·3–9·4) per 100 000. Lower respiratory infections accounted for more than 1·5 million deaths associated with resistance in 2019, making it the most burdensome infectious syndrome. The six leading pathogens for deaths associated with resistance (Escherichia coli, followed by Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannii, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) were responsible for 929 000 (660 000–1 270 000) deaths attributable to AMR and 3·57 million (2·62–4·78) deaths associated with AMR in 2019. ..."

Global burden of bacterial antimicrobial resistance in 2019: a systematic analysis - The Lancet (open access)

Oesterreich: Ein Viertel der Erwerbstätigen zahlt mehr als drei Viertel der Lohnsteuer

Progressive Steuern oder wie ungerecht ist die Besteuerung! In der Bananenrepublik Deutschland sieht es wahrscheinlich sehr ähnlich aus!

Grafik: Ein Viertel zahlt mehr als drei Viertel der Lohnsteuer

Israel to plant 450,000 trees in cities in effort to counter effects of climate change

Bravo! Good idea!

To plant trees is a much better and smarter idea than to mutilate nature and the environment with huge solar and wind power farms!

Israel to plant 450,000 trees in cities in effort to counter effects of climate change - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

NRW Ministerpräsident Hendrik Wüst: "individuelle Freiheit nicht über die Freiheit der Allgemeinheit stellen"

Was für Deppen regieren in der Bananenrepublik Deutschland! Unglaublich!

Was bitteschön ist die "Freiheit der gesamten Gesellschaft"? Wovon schwätzt der Mann?

"... „Es geht darum, auch mal den Geimpften und denen, die alles machen, zu zeigen, wir lassen das nicht weiter zu, dass Menschen ihre individuelle Freiheit über die Freiheit der gesamten Gesellschaft stellen. Jetzt kümmern wir uns um die Nichtgeimpften und führen eine Impfpflicht ein.“ ..."

Why SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 is a relatively harmless disease and why the cure was worse than the disease.

Hendrik Wüst: "individuelle Freiheit nicht über die Freiheit der Allgemeinheit stellen" Der CDU-Ministerpräsident von NRW offenbart bei Anne Will den Zweck der Impfpflicht: Ressentiments befriedigen. Hier zeigt sich nicht nur ein zynischer Blick auf die eigenen Bürger, sondern auch ein illiberales Verständnis von Freiheit.

Pigs catch coronavirus but don't get sick, scientists may know why

Recommendable! Why are pigs coping with the coronavirus much better than humans? Apoptosis versus necrosis!

"SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19, is itself thought to be a zoonotic disease, meaning it originates from animals ... how it made that jump to humans remains a matter of debate. 
As a zoonotic disease, it is unsurprising that many different types of animals have also been able to contract the virus. In particular, cats, dogs, ferrets, minks, deer, tigers and hamsters have all been able to contract the virus, become sick and, in some cases, spread it. Further, these were also known to be reverse-zoonotic transmissions, also known as zoo-anthroponotic transmission, meaning they were infected by humans.
From the start of the pandemic, it was known to scientists that pigs could also be infected with coronavirus, though they would need to be exposed to large amounts. ...
To find out, the scientists introduced samples of the virus to cell cultures derived from respiratory epithelial cells ...
While the human cell culture acted as expected, the pig cell culture did something different. Essentially, in response to being infected by SARS-CoV-2, pig cells just died, the nuclei of their cells shredding into fragments. 
This type of controlled cell death is called apoptosis, and while the term cell death might sound scary, it actually means that rather than spreading the infection to the other cells ...
This is not a phenomenon exclusive to pigs; humans are known to do this too, including in response to the coronavirus. But pig cells are 100 times more likely to do so.
Rather than apoptosis, human cells are far more likely to undergo a process known as necrosis. This is another form of cell death, but unlike apoptosis, it is far less controlled. When a cell undergoes necrosis, it releases its contents into its surroundings. This results in everything spreading and triggering a very strong hyperimmune response. ..."

From the abstract:
"... Further analysis confirmed an early and enhanced apoptotic mechanism driven through caspase 3/7 activation, limiting SARS-CoV-2 propagation in PRECs [porcine respiratory epithelial cells] compared to HRECs [human respiratory epithelial cells. Our findings shed light on a possible mechanism of resistance of pigs to SARS-CoV-2 infection, and it may hold therapeutic value for the treatment of COVID-19."

Pigs catch coronavirus but don't get sick, scientists may know why - The Jerusalem Post When infected with the novel coronavirus, pig cells undergo a sort of strategic suicide called apoptosis, which kills the infected cells and stops them from spreading the virus.