Monday, August 09, 2021

'Complicit': Meet the 18 Republicans Who Sold Out on Radical Democrat 'Infrastructure' Plan Without Reading Bill

Hope these 18 GOP idiots will be voted out of office ASAP! Shame on them! There is still some hope that some of the Dimocratic Party U.S. members of the U.S. Congress will come to their senses!

This so called infrastructure bill goes far beyond the usual political pork barreling and sausage making! This about transforming the U.S. economy using communist central planning into a green, government controlled economy and about expanding welfare and extreme leftist ideologies! It adds hundreds of billions of dollars in budget deficits and government debt!

Mitch McConnell (KY) what a regrettable fool! Why is he even the Senate Minority Leader for the GOP???

Lindsey Graham (SC) is also such a quixotic RINO! 

Mitt Romney (UT) again! Will he ever learn anything???

'Complicit': Meet the 18 Republicans Who Sold Out on Radical Democrat 'Infrastructure' Plan Without Reading Bill

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