Monday, August 23, 2021

Why the debacle of Afghanistan was not a Dunkirk moment

Update 9/1/2021: Don’t call Biden’s Kabul evacuation a ‘Berlin airlift’ or ‘Dunkirk’ by Michael Rubin

Some pundits always try hard to come up with catchy, clever comparisons to dazzle or impress their readers.

Most recently James Carafano, "a leading expert in national security and foreign policy challenges, is The Heritage Foundation’s vice president for foreign and defense policy studies" said "America—indeed, all the free world—is having a Dunkirk moment. We just don’t have a Winston Churchill." (Source)

Well, first of all at the time of the Battle of Dunkirk, the British, French and other European forces were facing the then most advanced modern highly mechanized army and modern air force ever put together. The Taliban are more like a rag tag army even by the assessment of the demented and senile 46th President of the U.S. 

The Germans halted their advance on Dunkirk, which is still one of the most debated military decisions to this day (Source). Apparently, the Taliban did not waste time to conquer one province after the other in a very rapid advance that did not halt before Kabul. 

The British War Office made a decision to evacuate at least a week before the Fall of Dunkirk or so. A massive effort (the Miracle of Dunkirk) was undertaken to rescue everyone before the arrival of the German forces, which largely succeeded. (Source). The demented and senile 46th President of the United States only wishes he came anywhere close to a miracle of Kabul!

Perhaps, the only commonality between the Dunkirk moment and the Western countries' debacle in Afghanistan is that the German soldiers were referred to as Huns, but that was during World War I 1914-18.

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