Friday, August 27, 2021

AAAS: Colleges must require vaccination

The prestigious American Association for the Advancement of Science engages in propaganda and demagoguery in their latest editorial! Shame on them!

AAAS is a bunch of authoritarians who claim to advance science! As if a single FDA approval is justification enough for such mandates! Incredible! Shocking!

If I were about to go to college or university, I certainly would not choose any of them requiring vaccinations from all students!

"This week, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted full approval to the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine for individuals 16 years and older. This milestone decision, the first full approval of a vaccine for COVID-19, will almost certainly clear a path for businesses, hospitals, and government agencies that have not already done so to adopt vaccine mandates for their employees. For colleges and universities that have been on the fence about requiring the vaccine, the FDA’s decision may be especially welcome news.

As of earlier this week, 753 campuses require the vaccination. According to a map from the Chronicle of Higher Education, most of these schools are in “blue” states. There is no doubt that COVID-19 vaccination has become politicized. ..."

Colleges must require vaccination | Science

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