Monday, August 23, 2021

End government compulsory schooling

If there is one subject that shows that government of liberal Western countries have too much power and control over their citizens, then it is compulsory school education for children.

In the 21st year of the 21st century, the usual arguments in favor of government compulsory schooling are much less convincing. Take the egalitarian motive: Well those citizens, and there are many, who can afford it have in the past and will continue in the future to enroll their children in expensive private schools anyway! 

Then there were also more historically sinister motives for why government needs to be in charge of children's education: Soldiers that can read, write, and do basic math are better for empire building.

If we believe in that most citizens are responsible, mature, moral, and autonomous free citizens, then government cannot force the children of these citizens to go to school. These citizens naturally aspire to have their children receive the best education possible.

Government will still have a role to play: E.g. some regulations regarding the e.g. the safety of education or to prevent criminal enterprises; to step in when the welfare of a child is in danger e.g. when parents or guardians for the child are not available or unwilling to educate their child at all.

Government run schools can exist side by side and compete with private schools. Give citizens a choice! More competition please among educational institutions!

Once the government compulsion is removed more citizens will step up to provide better education to e.g. disadvantaged children. Thus, positively reinforcing better and more engaged citizens! A virtuous cycle!

For classical liberals this state of affairs is not acceptable! Government compulsory schooling as we know it needs to be abolished or seriously reformed!

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