Sunday, March 07, 2021

How the censors suppress the origins of SARS-Cov-2: The lab leak hypothesis

Recommendable! The lab leak hypothesis most likely cannot easily be dismissed!
Then, the next question would be was it an accident or was it an intentional leak? If it was an intentional leak would this then be considered a bioweapon attack on the world that among many other things influenced the outcome of the 2020 U.S. presidential election?

"Estimates are all over the place, but it’s now beyond dispute that Soviet policies in the 1930s led to the deaths of somewhere between 7 and 12 million Ukrainians (about the equivalent to killing every person in Michigan today). It’s one of the greatest horrors in world history. [I blogged about Stalin's Holocaust called the Holodomor here]

The world knew little about the Ukrainian famine at the time. When independent journalists tried to get news out about the atrocity, they were accused of promoting conspiracy theories. Sound familiar?

The New York Times, whose Moscow bureau led efforts to protect the Soviet Union and crush dissenting viewpoints, has since apologized for its role in suppressing news about the famine.

Based on the media’s handling of COVID-19 reporting today, however, it’s clear we have forgotten any lessons once learned about the dangers of suppressing ideas and dissent on unproven matters the way the Times did to such tragic effect all those decades ago. ...
The best analysis to date on COVID-19 origins came from Nicholson Baker in New York Magazine. [see link below] Baker did such a solid job that The Washington Post and others finally began to take a second look.

Baker chronicles the history and intense debate within the scientific community over laboratory coronavirus testing. In essence, scientists have been creating dangerous coronaviruses in labs for many years. Their goal was to help us predict and protect against viruses that we could encounter in the real world.
Opposing scientists have argued for many years that this research was of little benefit and was way too dangerous. ..."

Here is an excerpt from Nicholson Baker's very long article:
"... Over the past few decades, scientists have developed ingenious methods of evolutionary acceleration and recombination, and they’ve learned how to trick viruses, coronaviruses in particular, those spiky hairballs of protein we now know so well, into moving quickly from one species of animal to another or from one type of cell culture to another. They’ve made machines that mix and mingle the viral code for bat diseases with the code for human diseases — diseases like SARS, severe acute respiratory syndrome, for example, which arose in China in 2003,While the first documented case of SARS was in November 2002, it became a pandemic in 2003, and the WHO issued its first alert about the virus in March of that year. and MERS, Middle East respiratory syndrome, which broke out a decade later and has to do with bats and camels. Some of the experiments — “gain of function” experiments — aimed to create new, more virulent, or more infectious strains of diseases in an effort to predict and therefore defend against threats that might conceivably arise in nature. ..."

How the COVID-19 Censors Killed the Truth

Here is a link to the Nicholson Baker article I believe Mr. Patel referenced in his article above:

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