Sunday, March 28, 2021

Design could enable longer lasting, more powerful lithium batteries

Recommendable, but I don't think the article said much about reduced charging times! Further, all the electricity necessary for electric cars still would need to be produced somehow! 😄

Would it not be an interesting idea to develop electric car batteries such that every time the battery is discharged, you replace it with a charged one. I am afraid current batteries are still way too large for that!

Unfortunately, MIT curiously omitted to provide a link to the underlying research paper nor its title!

"... One promising approach is the use of metal electrodes in place of the conventional graphite, with a higher charging voltage in the cathode. Those efforts have been hampered, however, by a variety of unwanted chemical reactions that take place with the electrolyte that separates the electrodes. Now, a team of researchers at MIT and elsewhere has found a novel electrolyte that overcomes these problems and could enable a significant leap in the power-per-weight of next-generation batteries, without sacrificing the cycle life. ..."

Design could enable longer lasting, more powerful lithium batteries | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology Use of a novel electrolyte could allow advanced metal electrodes and higher voltages, boosting capacity and cycle life.

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