Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Archai can design your neural network with state-of-the-art neural architecture search

Recommendable! Cutting edge machine learning research made available to everyone! NAS is a very hot recent topic in machine learning!

"... At the core of Archai are several interfaces that provide abstractions for common components of NAS algorithms. This reduces the code duplication, making new algorithm development faster and easier. Archai also uses a common model description language based on YAML that is extensible and “compilable” to a PyTorch model. Because all the algorithms share exactly the same components, including the ones for training and evaluation, they can be written more compactly. Having common components also sets the stage for fairer comparison and easier reproducibility. ..."

Archai can design your neural network with state-of-the-art neural architecture search (NAS) - Microsoft Research

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