Thursday, October 29, 2020

A record 144 Million Covid-19 Tests in the United States and counting

As of today (10/29/2020) over 144 million Covid-19 tests were administered in the entire United States! This is an absolutely mind boggling number (source)! This effort is probably unprecedented in human history! This represents numerically 44% of the total U.S. population (assuming no one was tested more than once and excluding any foreigners) in only about seven months!

Our heartfelt gratitude should go out to all the incredible medical staff that made this miracle happen! What a fantastic job! What a dedication!

What would have habitual liar and corrupt Dimocratic three times presidential candidate Joseph Biden done differently?

In Arizona alone, a total of over 2 million tests were administered as of today (10/29/2020) (source). The population of Arizona is only 7.4 million!

It follows from these high testing numbers that other metrics are high too e.g. fatalities and number of infected! The political spin tried to exploit that shamelessly during this election year!

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