Monday, June 29, 2020

Why Capitalism Is A Myth!

Posted: 6/29/2020

Just take the public education of our children in Western countries as an example. Attendance is compulsory and enforced by the government under penalty or fines if not worse. Home schooling of children is e.g. prohibited in Germany. Private run schools for children are fairly rare and regrettably unaffordable to many parents.

This tight and expansive government control of the education of our children is irreconcilable with free market capitalism and a constitution conceived in individual liberty! Most parents would voluntarily and freely make every effort to get their children the best education possible. Free markets and private charity would provide plenty of education opportunities for our children! In the age of the Internet, the almost exclusive authority of the government on the education of our children is not justified at all anymore!

It is high time to largely privatize the education of our children and let parents and older children make their choices about the education of children.

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