Sunday, June 28, 2020

Three extraordinary women run the gauntlet of science — a documentary

What shoddy journalism is this coming from Nature Journal! This article is regurgitating lousy propaganda and demagoguery!

"Ask people to picture a scientist, and what do many imagine? A white man in a white lab coat, sadly."
What the heck does this have to do with those ideological slogans like systemic racism, sexual harassment and institutional bias! This is analogous to Nazi antisemitic propaganda!

"It [the movie] chronicles, through the stories of three extraordinary female researchers, the gender and racial biases that drive so many people out of science. All the usual suspects are here: systemic racism, institutional bias, sexual harassment. Together, they tell so many aspiring researchers the lie that they do not belong."
What utter nonsense!

"The third story comes from Jane Willenbring, a geoscientist who in 2016 filed a formal complaint accusing her PhD adviser, David Marchant, of routinely abusing her during fieldwork in Antarctica years before. Marchant, who has denied the allegations, was sacked from his post at Boston University in April 2019 after an investigation."
This is all we learn about the accused in this article! The accused was apparently not even interviewed for this article! What was the "abuse" about? The article is silent!

Three extraordinary women run the gauntlet of science — a documentary Systemic racism, sexual harassment and institutional bias permeate a film about three female scientists, who have survived and thrived.

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