Tuesday, June 30, 2020

A Book Talk on The Return of Great Power Rivalry with Dr. Matthew Kroenig


"In his book, he argues that democracies are uniquely prepared to overcome any challenge autocratic rivals pose, despite growing concerns. In aggregate, Kroenig contends, democracies outcompete autocracies. ... Conversely, autocracies often have to spend more on internal security compared to external. ... Kroenig responded by mentioning that both Putin and Xi fear the spread of democracy, and are leveraging technological capabilities to facilitate authoritarianism worldwide. ... Korenig emphasized that if a “Cold War” means a serious competition, then yes. If it means that we are approaching a high likelihood of war, then no. Compared to the Cold War and the current era, the US will need to create new strategies and policies instead of following the old guidelines like “containment.”"

Most of these observations are not new, they are just a confirmation! Or should we be alarmed, because these well known assurances about the superiority of democracies over authoritarian regimes may sound complacent?

P.S. I did not watch the talk itself

June 24: A Book Talk on The Return of Great Power Rivalry with Dr. Matthew Kroenig – Global Taiwan Institute

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