Sunday, June 28, 2020

Unraveling the processes that power the sun

Recommendable! We still do not understand our sun, but many people believe in such nonsense as Climate Change and Global Warming!

"... physicists ... have announced the first-ever detection of neutrinos from another, less common fusion process: the carbon-nitrogen-oxygen (CNO) cycle, which uses carbon, nitrogen and oxygen as catalysts to fuel the conversion of hydrogen to helium."

"Studying these particles could help reveal how much of the sun is composed of elements heavier than hydrogen and helium, a property known as metallicity. That’s because the rate at which CNO cycle neutrinos are produced depends on the sun’s content of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen. ... The CNO cycle is even more important in stars heavier than the sun, where it is the main fusion process."

Unraveling the processes that power the sun | symmetry magazine: The Borexino experiment announces the first detection of neutrinos from a secondary cycle that fuels our closest star.

Physicists spot a new class of neutrinos from the sun The Borexino experiment detected particles from our star’s second-most important fusion process

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