Sunday, July 21, 2024

How our solar system travels around our Milky Way galaxy

Probably, not very many people know about it! I bet this travel also impacts e.g. climate on earth. Most likely we humans still know little about this impact!

What a journey!

Add to this the precession and wobble of the earth axis and the still unknown and varying solar activity (blogged about it several times here e.g. yesterday)

"... the Sun is located nearly 27,000 light-years from the center [of the Milky Way], about halfway between the center and the edge of our disk-shaped galaxy. Looking from the side, the disk is relatively flat and the Sun is currently located about 55 light-years above the plane of the galaxy’s disk. Over time, the Sun orbits the center of the galaxy, sketching out a roughly circular path (again, looking down from above) that takes about 230 million years to complete at a speed of about 137 miles (220 kilometers) per second."


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