Friday, May 31, 2024

U.S. Representative Adam Schiff (D), Client of Judge Merchan’s Daughter, Raises Money off Trump Guilty Verdict

Adam Schiff is without doubt among the foulest and worst members of the U.S. House of Representatives that I am aware of! Who votes for him!!!

If anyone suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome it is him!!!

He is a well known pathological and serial liar just like the 46th President! His despicable and pathetic role e.g. in the Russia collusion hoax is well remembered! Almost every evening he was on the news spewing lies!

"... As previously reported by the New York Post, Merchan’s daughter is president of Authentic Campaigns, a Chicago-based progressive political consulting firm whose clients include Schiff. ..."

Schiff, Client of Merchan’s Daughter, Raises Money off Trump Guilty Verdict

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