Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The origin of the sun’s magnetic field could lie close to its surface

We still know so little about our sun! What if the sun and its fluctuating solar activity is actually one of the main drivers of climate change on earth not the heavily propagandized so called anthropogenic green house gases? Global Warming is a hoax and Climate Change is a religion!

What if e.g. there are more, yet unknown sun cycles, than the well known 11 year sun spot cycle?

"The sun’s surface is a brilliant display of sunspots and flares driven by the solar magnetic field, which is internally generated through a process called dynamo action. Astrophysicists have assumed that the sun’s field is generated deep within the star. But an MIT study finds that the sun’s activity may be shaped by a much shallower process. ..."

From the abstract:
"The magnetic dynamo cycle of the Sun features a distinct pattern: a propagating region of sunspot emergence appears around 30° latitude and vanishes near the equator every 11 years. Moreover, longitudinal flows called torsional oscillations closely shadow sunspot migration, undoubtedly sharing a common cause. Contrary to theories suggesting deep origins of these phenomena, helioseismology pinpoints low-latitude torsional oscillations to the outer 5–10% of the Sun, the near-surface shear layer. Within this zone, inwardly increasing differential rotation coupled with a poloidal magnetic field strongly implicates the magneto-rotational instability, prominent in accretion-disk theory and observed in laboratory experiments. Together, these two facts prompt the general question: whether the solar dynamo is possibly a near-surface instability. Here we report strong affirmative evidence in stark contrast to traditional models focusing on the deeper tachocline. Simple analytic estimates show that the near-surface magneto-rotational instability better explains the spatiotemporal scales of the torsional oscillations and inferred subsurface magnetic field amplitudes. State-of-the-art numerical simulations corroborate these estimates and reproduce hemispherical magnetic current helicity laws. The dynamo resulting from a well-understood near-surface phenomenon improves prospects for accurate predictions of full magnetic cycles and space weather, affecting the electromagnetic infrastructure of Earth."
The origin of the sun’s magnetic field could lie close to its surface | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sunspots and flares could be a product of a shallow magnetic field, according to surprising new findings that may help scientists predict space weather.

The solar dynamo begins near the surface (open access)

Fig. 1: Measured internal solar rotation profiles.

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