Friday, May 31, 2024

Chief Justice John Roberts flatly rejects Democrat recusal requests pertaining to ginned-up Alito flag controversy

Bravo! Tip of the hat! Kudos!

Again Dimocratic U.S. Senators like Durbin and Whitehouse expose themselves as utter fools!

"... Last week, Sens. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) demanded Roberts force Justice Samuel Alito to recuse himself from cases "related to the 2020 presidential election" and Jan. 6. The senators even specified they wanted Alito recused from a forthcoming ruling on Trump's presidential immunity case. ...
"In regard to questions concerning any Justice's participation in pending cases, the Members of the Supreme Court recently reaffirmed the practice we have followed for 235 years pursuant to which individual Justices decide recusal issues," Roberts explained in a letter. ..."

Chief Justice John Roberts flatly rejects Democrat requests pertaining to ginned-up Alito flag controversy | Blaze Media

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