Saturday, December 30, 2023

Helvetia in the Appalachian Mountains of West Virginia

There all kinds of peculiar people living in freedom in the United States. E.g. the hit movie Witness (1985) made the Amish/Mennonite people living in Pennsylvania famous.

Now, I learnt that Swiss and German immigrants starting in 1869 preserved the historic origins of Switzerland more closer than Switzerland itself like the Rütlischwur (Rütli Oath of 1307 CE) and Urdemokratie (original democracy, basic democracy).

"Helvetia, West Virginia, a small village settled in 1869 by Swiss and German immigrants, is located in Randolph County. Its secluded location led to the preservation of traditional dance, music, food, and holidays. It is these traditions that make Helvetia both a great community and destination."

Historic | Helvetia, West Virginia | United States

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