Sunday, December 24, 2023

AI beats human world record holder for the first time in physical skill game, i.e. labyrinth maze game

Good news! Amazing stuff! This comes after the Rubik's cube in 2019. What comes next?

"... The robot received [only] 6.06 hours of practice. Impressively, it beat the previous world record set by Lars Göran Danielsson, a player since 1988, who set a time of 15.41 seconds in 2022. CyberRunner completed the game in 14.48 seconds — faster by over 6% compared to the human record holder. ..."

From the abstract:
"Motivated by the challenge of achieving rapid learning in physical environments, this paper presents the development and training of a robotic system designed to navigate and solve a labyrinth game using model-based reinforcement learning techniques. The method involves extracting low-dimensional observations from camera images, along with a cropped and rectified image patch centered on the current position within the labyrinth, providing valuable information about the labyrinth layout. The learning of a control policy is performed purely on the physical system using model-based reinforcement learning, where the progress along the labyrinth's path serves as a reward signal. Additionally, we exploit the system's inherent symmetries to augment the training data. Consequently, our approach learns to successfully solve a popular real-world labyrinth game in record time, with only 5 hours of real-world training data."

AI beats humans for the first time in physical skill game CyberRunner completed the labyrinth maze game in 14.48 seconds

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