Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Victor Davis Hanson: Are Universities Doomed? Is that a rhetorical question?

Recommendable! The usual hard hitting viewpoint of VDH!

It seems this article was edited between my first reading it yesterday and today (12/27/2022). E.g. the section about Harvard University was removed. Odd! I believe to remember that he mentioned that at Harvard U. the tuition is as high as the average administrative staff pay and that the ratio of students to administrative staff is close to one! 

I agree with VDH that too many absurdities going on in American (also in Western universities) which may make them obsolete if they do not change course! The student debt load in America has reached an  unsustainable level! 

With so many e.g. online learning options available today who needs a watered down university, very expensive degrees anymore? Serious competition is good and strong!

Stanford University now has as many administrative staff as students! The administrative bloat causing high and higher tuitions can not be hidden anymore!

"... Over the last 30 years, enrollments in the humanities and history crashed. So did tenure-track faculty positions. Some $1.7 trillion in federally backed student loans have only greenlighted inflated tuition—and masked the contagion of political indoctrination and watered-down courses. ..."

Are Universities Doomed?

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