Sunday, October 16, 2022

Robo-Ostrich Sprints to 100-meter World Record

What say you Usain Bolt? It's just a bird? I can still beat this robot at age 36 anytime! (just kidding) 😊

"For a robot that shares a leg design with the fastest-running bird on the planet, we haven’t ever really gotten a sense of how fast Agility Robotics’ Cassie is actually able to move. Oregon State University’s Cassie successfully ran a 5k last year, but it was the sort of gait that we’ve come to expect from humanoid robots—more of a jog, really, with measured steps that didn’t inspire a lot of confidence in higher speeds. Turns out, Cassie was just holding back, because she’s just sprinted her way to a Guinness World Record for fastest 100-meter run by a bipedal robot. ... Cassie’s average speed was just over 4 meters per second, completing the 100 meters in 24.73 seconds. ..."

Robo-Ostrich Sprints to 100-meter World Record - IEEE Spectrum Oregon State University’s Cassie is fastest bipedal robot ever to run the 100-meter dash

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