Monday, October 24, 2022

Nature journal: The unseen Black faces of AI facial recognition algorithms. Really!

The once prestigious Nature journal continues to spread propaganda and demagoguery! Apparently, it is good business to do so!

Anyone with common sense knows that new technologies have kinks that need to be fixed. No need to suggest racism here!

This is a very long Nature views & news article and only at the very end you fully realize it is predicated on the skin color ideology! 

Now developers of facial recognition technology are forced to give more importance to darker skinned faces? This is one form of racism. So what about e.g. Asian faces?

Timmit Gebru is a controversial AI researcher. She was fired by Google!

"Data sets are essential for training and validating machine-learning algorithms. But these data are typically sourced from the Internet, so they encode all the stereotypes, inequalities and power asymmetries that exist in society.  ...
Although this has long been the case, the first major steps towards overcoming the issue were taken only four years ago, when Joy Buolamwini and Timnit Gebru published a report that kick-started sweeping changes in the ethics of artificial intelligence (AI). As a graduate student in computer science, Buolamwini was frustrated that commercial facial-recognition systems failed to identify her face in photographs and video footage. ...
Amid what can feel like overwhelming public enthusiasm for new AI technologies, Buolamwini and Gebru instigated a body of critical work that has exposed the bias, discrimination and oppressive nature of facial-analysis algorithms. ..."

The unseen Black faces of AI algorithms An audit of commercial facial-analysis tools found that dark-skinned faces are misclassified at a much higher rate than are faces from any other group. Four years on, the study is shaping research, regulation and commercial practices.

Joy Buolamwini founder of the Algorithmic Justice League. A purveyor of skin color ideology?

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