Monday, October 24, 2022

NASA: Carbon Dioxide, Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet. Really?

NASA is also complicit in spreading propaganda and demagoguery of the Global Warming hoax and Climate Change religion!

Yes, CO2 content increased over the years, but it is still an life essential trace gas in the atmosphere measured in parts per million! The increased CO2 has e.g. contributed to a global greening of plants!

NASA does not mention the fact that CO2 is essential for life on earth and that more CO2 promotes plant growth! It only says it is a "heat trapping, or greenhouse gas"! How much heat trapping is probably controversial!

Why does NASA provide CO2 measurements from only one location worldwide, i.e. Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii and without any explanation as to their choice? This smells like manipulation!

On the second chart, NASA provides historical information going back several hundred thousands of years. Here NASA tries to shock the visitor. However, they do not disclose the source for this chart nor how reliable this data is. I have serious doubts about the data accuracy and the chosen time frame! Just too convenient!

Carbon Dioxide | Vital Signs – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

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