Saturday, October 08, 2022

China’s first solar observatory aims to solve mysteries of the Sun’s eruptions

Good news! Keep in mind: The main influence on earth's climate is the sun not the trace gas CO2!

Fact is that we still know very little about our sun. So little actually that all the propaganda and demagoguery surrounding global warming and climate change can be easily dismissed as pseudoscience or even junk science based on our little scientific knowledge about the sun!

Hope, the solar observatory will not be too close to the sun like Icarus! (just kidding)

"China is set to launch its first dedicated solar observatory. Astronomers say its trio of instruments will provide insights into how the Sun’s magnetic field creates coronal mass ejections and other eruptions. ...
Astronomers know that the Sun’s magnetic field causes its energetic emissions, but unravelling the relationship between the two is notoriously complex. ...
ASO-S ... will observe from an orbit 720 kilometres above Earth’s surface, permanently facing the Sun. ...
The mission will last for at least four years ... covering the 2024–25 peak of the solar cycle, which lasts 11 years on average. ...
The Sun produces high-energy bursts of radiation, known as solar flares, and coronal mass ejections (CMEs), slower streams of particles produced in explosions. ASO-S’s main task will be to study the fundamental physics of these eruptions and their origins in energy released by the Sun’s contorting and realigning magnetic field. The process is one of “great scientific importance, with broad implications for understanding similar phenomena throughout the universe”, ...
Solar flares and CMEs can affect Earth when they reach and interact with the planet’s atmosphere. The resulting ‘space weather’ has the potential to interfere with navigation systems and disrupt power grids. ..."

China’s first solar observatory aims to solve mysteries of the Sun’s eruptions The mission, scheduled to launch on Sunday (10/9/2022), will also help to improve forecasts of damaging space weather.

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