Saturday, October 08, 2022

As Himalayan Glaciers Melt, a Water Crisis Looms in South Asia by 2100. Really!

Yale University spreads alarmism and hysteria

Again as so often, the "crisis" is manufactured relying on the usually flawed climate model 100 year simulations!

So humans only have researched and collected data on the glaciers in the Hindu Kush Himalayas for the last 10 years or so.

At least this article admits the Little Ice Age! However, it fails to mention that the Little Ice Age only ended about 1820-1850 or so. Thus, we live in a new warming period at least for 170 years or so, predating the Industrial Revolution!

"... Just over a decade ago, relatively little was known about glaciers in the Hindu Kush Himalayas, the vast ice mountains that run across Central and South Asia, from Afghanistan in the west to Myanmar in the east. But a step-up in research in the past 10 years — spurred in part by an embarrassing error in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s 2007 Fourth Assessment Report, which predicted that Himalayan glaciers could melt away by 2035 — has led to enormous strides in understanding. ...
That future is daunting. New research suggests that the area of Himalayan glaciers has shrunk by 40 percent since the Little Ice Age maximum between 400-700 years ago, and that in the past few decades ice melt has accelerated faster than in other mountainous parts of the world. ...
A 2020 study projected that the eastern end of the range, in Nepal and Bhutan, could lose as much as 60 percent of its ice mass by 2100, relative to 2015, even in a low-emissions scenario. ...
But a study published in Nature last year found that overall acceleration of ice loss in the late 2010s had shifted even this area from “sustained thickening” to a “generalised thinning.” While this trend needs more research, the remote sensing data used in the study is of high-quality ...“Climate change may be ending the Karakoram anomaly,” ...
Despite the advances in knowledge about Himalayan glaciers, scientists say many research gaps remain. The role of black carbon, or soot, in accelerating melt is not fully known. Air pollution from the Indo-Gangetic plains is thought to be depositing black carbon on the mountains, increasing the absorption of heat and accelerating melt. ...
that there are no weather stations in India above 4,000 meters, above which most glaciers originate. ..."

As Himalayan Glaciers Melt, a Water Crisis Looms in South Asia - Yale E360 Warmer air is thinning most of the vast mountain range’s glaciers, known as the Third Pole because they contain so much ice. The melting could have far-reaching consequences for flood risk and for water security for a billion people who rely on meltwater for their survival.

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