Monday, October 03, 2022

Bolsonaro clearly won the first round of the Brazilian elections

Don't believe the main stream media!

His chances to win the second round are quite good!

"Bolsonaro received 6.1 million votes fewer than his main opponent, but his Liberal Party will surpass Lula’s Workers’ Party to become the biggest in the Senate.
The far-right fireband’s right-wing allies won 19 of the 27 seats up for grabs in the Senate, and initial returns suggested a strong showing for his base in the lower house, limiting Lula’s room for manoeuvre if he wins the presidency.
Among the notable winners in the lower house were Bolosonaro’s former health minister (a general who oversaw the pandemic’s troubled management), and his former environment minister, who resigned in the midst of an investigation into whether he had aided the export of illegally cut timber from the Amazon.
Sergio Moro, the former judge who temporarily jailed Lula and was Bolsonaro’s former justice minister, also defied polls to win a Senate seat.
The president’s hardline views on street crime and religious conservatism, along with his laissez-faire approach to economic and environmental regulation, resonate in many parts of Brazil, including in some corners of the Amazon where he is popular among evangelical voters. ..."

Unpacking the results of Brazil’s heated presidential election | Elections News | Al Jazeera: Leftist Luiz Inácio ‘Lula’ da Silva tops vote but far-right incumbent Jair Bolsonaro outperforms pollsters’ predictions.

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