Friday, October 07, 2022

Biden may ease sanctions on Venezuela to increase global oil supply

The bizarre and inconsistent policies of a demented and senile 46th President. Yesterday, I blogged here about it.

The U.S. has one of largest known reserves of fossil fuels in the world. To go begging abroad by the 46th President is absurd!
Under Trump, the U.S. became a net exporter of fossil fuels again after several decades.

"The madness of the Biden Administration’s energy policy has been horrifying to watch ... The latest bizarre twist is that the White House may ease sanctions on Venezuela and its dictator Nicolás Maduro in an effort to increase the supply of oil on the global market.

The Journal reports that the U.S. is “preparing to scale down sanctions” on Venezuela’s nasty regime so Chevron Corp. can resume pumping oil.  ..."

Biden, Venezuela and the Oil Dictators - WSJ

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