Friday, August 05, 2022

University of California launches project to track attacks on critical race theory

What an irony! Propagandists and demagogues are not satisfied with indoctrination, they also want the persecution of the heretics!

They already documented 479 instances of heretic activity! 

"Robust sourcing. The researchers have screened nearly 24,000 media articles and identified 479 instances of anti-critical race theory activity since August 2021. ...
UCLA School of Law’s Critical Race Studies Program has created an innovative project to track and analyze legislative, regulatory and administrative efforts to block or undermine the teaching of a more complete history of the United States in schools across the country. Critical race theory, or CRT, is the study of systemic racism in law, policy and society. ...
The law school’s CRT Forward Tracking Project is the first in the United States to precisely identify, catalog and contextualize all of these efforts at the local, state and federal levels. ..."

UCLA Law launches project to track attacks on critical race theory | UCLA The new database identifies anti-critical race theory activity at local, state and federal levels

Map of the United States with nearly 500 triangles speckled across it showing how many jurisdictions are considering and/or enacting restrictions against the teaching of critical race theory. 

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