Friday, August 05, 2022

Australia Shark Bay dolphins forming the equivalent of boy bands to attract a mate, scientists say

Amazing stuff! Something wonderful happening in the Shark Bay!

Adopting Gene Kelley's unforgettable tune:
"I'm singing in the Shark Bay, just singin' in the Shark Bay
What a glorious feeling, I'm happy again
I'm laughing at clouds so dark up above
The sun's in my heart and I'm ready for love ..."

"... The mates seeking dates—pods of male dolphins, in this case—team up to perform “synchronised movements and displays while singing in unison to attract females, ”forming the equivalent of dreamy boy bands to snare a mate. ..."

"... However, marine scientists in Shark Bay, about 800 kilometres north of Perth, say the local dolphins are turning to song and dance to attract a mate.
"You'll hear this, 'Click click click click', and the pace and the tempo will be matched by these tightly bonded males in this bromance world," Shark Bay Dolphin Research Alliance (SBDRA) co-director Simon Allen says. ...
He said male dolphins in groups of four to 14 were performing synchronised movements and displays while singing in unison to attract females. ..."

Shark Bay dolphins forming the equivalent of boy bands to attract a mate, scientists say - ABC News

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