Friday, August 05, 2022

Scientists Unravel How the Tonga Volcano Caused Worldwide Tsunamis

Here is another article about one of the curiously and strangely underreported major geological event of the past 100 years or so! The Tonga submarine volcano eruption of January 2022.

Why was this major geological event of the century so little reported? A conspiracy theorist would suggest that this event would have reminded the citizens of the world that perhaps climate is still much more influenced by nature (e.g. solar activity, volcanoes etc.) than by anthropogenic factors

This major event will most likely influence earth climate and weather in the coming decades like the Krakatoa eruption before.

"Scientists have now determined that the underwater volcanic eruption in Tonga earlier this year delivered an astonishing 160,900 tons of water vapor to the stratosphere — water vapor that could intensify global warming for years to come, reports Harry Baker for Live Science. This year’s Tonga eruption also cracked open some mysteries about Earth’s past volcanic events. Back in 1883, a volcano on the island of Krakatoa erupted and caused worldwide tsunamis — just as the recent Tonga eruption did. This time, however, geophysicists were finally able to learn how volcanic eruptions cause tsunamis on that global scale"

Scientists Unravel How the Tonga Volcano Caused Worldwide Tsunamis | Quanta Magazine The Tonga eruption in January was “basically like Krakatoa 2.” This time, geophysicists could explain the tiny tsunamis that cropped up all over the planet, solving a 139-year-old mystery about Tonga’s predecessor.

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