Sunday, August 07, 2022

In Supreme Court brief, Yale University and peers defend use of race in admissions

The sorry state of elite universities in the U.S.! There is nothing defensible about using skin color or so called ethnic preferences in admissions! It is a disgrace!

Other "peer" elite universities that joined this or similar amicus curiae: Columbia, Duke, Johns Hopkins, Princeton, and the University of Chicago!

The ideology and dogma of diversity! As if mixing people by skin color and ethnicity magically produces great outcomes. This is more wishful thinking than anything else! Self righteous Do Gooders don't care about two wrongs don't make a right!

If these elite universities were serious about diversification they would perhaps consider some kind of a lottery for a percentage of the admissions instead of "composing incoming classes".

"Yale has joined a legal effort to uphold the longstanding ability of colleges and universities to consider race and ethnicity as elements in a holistic review of applicants in the college admissions process.
In an amicus curiae, or “friend of the court,” brief filed with the U.S. Supreme Court on Aug. 1, Yale added its voice in two cases involving, respectively, Harvard and the University of North Carolina. ...
stating emphatically that student diversity is essential to the missions of American universities and promotes educational excellence for all students ...
we consider race and ethnicity as part of individualized applicant review is crucial to achieving a richly diverse academic environment that enhances students’ educational experiences and maximizes their future success. Yale stands firm in supporting universities’ established right to compose incoming classes that are diverse along many dimensions and in its commitment to enrolling students from all walks of life. ...
The brief went on to explain that diversity fosters a more robust spirit of free inquiry and encourages dialogue that sparks new insights. ...
Race-blindness in admissions would pose severe practical challenges and would unfairly hurt students whose race has been integral to their life experience as presented in their applications. ..."

In Supreme Court brief, Yale and peers defend use of race in admissions | YaleNews

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