Monday, August 08, 2022

Data Show Gender Pay Gap Opens Early after college graduation. Really!

This endless and unfounded harping on the so called gender pay gap! Mostly propaganda and demagoguery! What is the point!!!

The gender pay gap is one of these ideological constructs that are more like a mirage or a misconception!

Of course, women and men differ in what they study and what jobs they take and more. Thus, there is quite naturally a pay gap and it has little to do with gender, but a lot with choices people make!

The other reason for this pay gap is due to frequent apple with orange comparisons like broad averages that disguise the differences!

That the Wall Street Journal also falls for this crap without any proper qualification is very regrettable!

"In nearly 75% of roughly 11,300 undergraduate and graduate degree programs, median pay for men exceeded that for women three years after graduation, according to Education Department data on 1.7 million college grads who received federal student aid. Determining why those gaps appear earlier isn’t simple, but career paths, salary negotation tactics and discrimination could be factors."

Data Show Gender Pay Gap Opens Early - WSJ Disparities among male and female college graduates appeared within three years, a WSJ analysis of federal data for 2015 and 2016 graduates shows

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