Friday, August 12, 2022

Billionaires go treasure hunting in Greenland for rare minerals needed for electric cars

This is very rich in irony!

Many people do not know that Greenland was named green by the Vikings because of its lush green meadows during the Medieval Warm Period, where they settled for 200-400 years and where their livestock grazed.

Greenland is one of those rare, very pristine and sparsely populated areas of the world. It is not as colorful as the Amazon or as remote as Siberia, but nevertheless. Do we want mining companies now to set up shop there? Are we going to invade holy spaces of the indigenous people? Where are the fanatic environmentalists when you need them?  (Caution: irony)

"Some of the most notable billionaires on the planet have recently invested a lot of money to explore Greenland in the hopes of unearthing rare minerals needed for electric cars, and many are crediting so-called climate change for the opportunity.

Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg, and Jeff Bezos have each invested heavily in Kobold Metals, a mineral exploration start-up company based in California. Kobold Metals, in turn, has partnered with Bluejay Mining in the effort to explore remote areas of Greenland that may have a treasure trove of the minerals needed for electric vehicles. ..."

Billionaires go treasure hunting in Greenland for rare minerals needed for electric cars — and they may have climate change to thank - TheBlaze

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