Friday, August 12, 2022

About the additional 87,000 IRS agents: Fact or Propaganda?

I have not had enough time to thoroughly research this claim, but my hunch is that it is propaganda and demagoguery! 

I suspect some budget number or revenue projection was translated into equivalent IRS agents or something along these lines, but it is not in the proposed law. 

Or it actually means that the workforce of the IRS would be increased from current 79,000 to 87,000 some time in the future.

The current workforce of the IRS as of FY 2021 is "78,661 full-time equivalent (FTE) positions". It is extremely incredible that the staffing would be more than doubled! It defies logic and reasoning!

I think, the Republican Party as well as others, who are actively spreading this misinformation, would be well advised to stop it immediately or back it up with facts! These are inappropriate scare tactics!

IRS Budget and Workforce | Internal Revenue Service

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