Sunday, May 01, 2022

All around the world, women are underrepresented in economics. Really!

So what! There are many jobs where men are overrepresented e.g. construction, engineering, software development, mining, waste management, military forces and the list goes on. But who cares about those about those lesser skilled professions! Women deserve better, right?

Women choose different jobs than men and vice versa! Nothing wrong with that!!!

What these demagogues are pushing here are more better and higher paying jobs for women. Men watch out!

These demagogues rarely ever demand that more men work in predominantly female professions! How curious is that!

This pseudoscience by cherry picking was published in the prestigious PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)! PNAS openly promotes the diversity and inclusion ideololgy!

"In economics, like in many other fields of academia, women are underrepresented. Study after study has shown that it’s harder for women to obtain tenured positions or progress in their academic careers. Although many women produce outsized contributions [laughable], economics in general has remained a male-dominated field. ..."

In economics, as in many high-skilled professions, women are underrepresented. Web-scraped data provide information on the situation of women in economics around the globe. We document the underrepresentation of women for a large set of countries using the same objective method. We find differences between countries and regions, which might reflect cultural aspects and norms. Europe is more gender-equal than the United States; institutions that are higher ranked in terms of research output have fewer women in senior positions than lower-ranked institutions. In the United States, this also holds for junior positions. The paper thus further informs the debate and shows how female ratios differ on a global scale."

All around the world, women are underrepresented in economics -- especially in the US Researchers scoured data to see whether women were well represented in economics. They're not.

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