Friday, May 27, 2022

Scientists pretend We Know What The Problem Is with gun violence in the U.S.

This is as stupid as it gets! Look how a bunch of PhDs make fools out of themselves spreading propaganda and demagoguery!

More to the truth: The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) is a left wing fringe outfit! They claim: "Science [journal] has been at the center of important scientific discovery since its founding in 1880—with seed money from Thomas Edison". Thomas Alva Edison is probably wildly spinning in his grave at this abuse of his name!

This is a preposterous and garbage piece of editorial published by the Science journal!

The Right to Bear Arms is a fundamental human right like life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!

Most of the so called "civilized world" has no Second Amendment in their constitution either! Could it just be that these "other countries" also admit humans with serious mental health issues to treatment voluntary and involuntary if these humans pose a threat?

To compare the struggle to abolish slavery and for women's voting rights with the right to bear arms is pretty ludicrous and desperate!

"... Although opponents of sensible gun control—the kind that prevails throughout most of the civilized world—continue to put the spotlight on the shooters’ motivations or unstable mental states, these are cynical diversions from the one obvious truth: The common thread in all of the country’s revolting mass shootings is the absurdly easy access to guns. The science is clear: Restrictions work, and it’s likely that even more limitations would save thousands of lives. So why not take the laws much further, as other countries have done? ...
No doubt that mental health is a factor. But the rates of mental illness in the United States are similar to those in other countries where mass shootings rarely occur. ... the fallacy of blaming gun violence on mental illness in the wake of another mass shooting tragedy in 2019 ...
It’s also argued that gun ownership is guaranteed in the Bill of Rights by the Second Amendment. But a lot of things have changed since 1789, and there are many times when the American people have concluded that rights granted at the nation’s founding could not be reconciled with modern conditions and knowledge. It was decided that owning other human beings was not consistent with the founding principles of America. It was decided that prohibiting women from voting was not consistent with a representative democracy. And now it needs to be decided that unfettered gun ownership by American citizens is not consistent with a flourishing country where people can worship, shop, and be educated without fear. ...
Women’s suffrage, the end of slavery, and civil rights were not won without struggle. ...
The National Rifle Association and its minions must be defeated. ..."

Science Editorial: We know what the problem is

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