Friday, November 06, 2020

What Will It Take for Americans to Consider Breaking Up?

Not a great article, but food for thought!

What was not allowed to happen before or during the American Civil War (hint: secession) ought to be seriously considered in these times as the cultural divide in the United States is very deep.

Why should the people in most of the country be dominated by leftist elites in a few states?

Why not e.g. form a state or a county compact across the country? Perhaps along the lines of the leftist National Popular Vote Interstate Compact to undermine the Electoral College.

Or how about a convention under Article V of the U.S. Constitution to amend the constitution?

"... Regardless of how the election turns out, it’s obvious America is not much of a country anymore, much less a nation. The sooner we accept this, the sooner we can get to work asserting the principles of federalism, subsidiarity, nullification, and even secession. None of the current frictions will get better over time, but they can get much worse—and our most important task must be to avoid any movement toward outright civil war. ..."

What Will It Take for Americans to Consider Breaking Up? | Mises Institute

This is roughly what the U.S. map looks like showing counties by political party:  

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