Sunday, November 29, 2020

The researcher fighting to embed analysis of sex and gender into science

When scientists follow the fads and fashions or propaganda and ideology of the day! And when Nature journal glorifies those scientists! 

The researcher (Londa Schiebinger, professor at Stanford University, PhD from Harvard University) here interviewed by Nature is pathetic! She is the "Director of Gendered Innovations in Science, Health & Medicine, Engineering and Environment Project"

What a waste of taxpayers money!

Can you believe their is no gender to be found in pure mathematics according to the European Commission! That cannot be true! What an inexcusable omission! (Caution: irony)
I bet it will not take long before dedicated/obsessed researchers will discover gender in pure mathematics! A Noble prize or Fields Medal awaits these researchers! (Caution: irony)

The fact that humans respond differently to diseases and medications/treatments depending on sex has been widely recognized for decades! Nothing new! 

Why does e.g. the German language not have its own word for gender? Because the people are not easily fooled by ideologues and the German language offers a different word for it! Why does e.g. the English language contain the word gender? "late Middle English: from Old French gendre (modern genre ), based on Latin genus ‘birth, family, nation’"

"On 25 November, the European Commission — one of the world’s largest research funders — said that it aims to make sex and gender analysis mandatory in the research it funds ... [European Commision] policy would apply to all disciplines, except topics for which the commission decides such analyses wouldn’t be relevant, for example, pure mathematics. The commission will ask researchers to consider these factors at every stage of their work — from study design to data collection and analysis. ...
The strengthened policy is a result of recommendations made in the commission’s second report on Gendered Innovations, published today and produced by a 25-person expert group that Schiebinger chaired. The report provides guidance for how researchers can incorporate sex and gender analysis across the gamut of research topics Horizon Europe will fund, from finance to agriculture. ...
The biggest change in our focus is on intersectionality. That means not just considering race and ethnicity and how this intersects with sex and gender, but also what’s the impact of age, geographic location and socio-economic status. The other one is to think of gender less in binary terms, and to think about gender-diverse people. We’re also giving much more field-specific guidance. ...
Many European languages, such as German, don’t even have a word for gender, but use the English. ..."

The researcher fighting to embed analysis of sex and gender into science

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