Monday, November 23, 2020

Electric Vehicles are detrimental for the Environment

The trend of government forced prohibition of internal combustion engines in favor of electric vehicles in Western countries is quite absurd! These are clearly socialist central planning activities which we used to associate with the former USSR!

Why so many Western politicians are trying to fool voters and why so many Western citizens are so extremely gullible is beyond comprehension! What we are witnessing is nothing less than mass psychosis being exploited by populist politicians!

Just the enormous production of batteries necessary to power all these new vehicles is everything but environmentally friendly! How will all the electricity produced to recharge the EVs?

"... Producing a battery for an EV requires many mined materials, including lithium, cobalt, and rare earths. Most of this is mined and processed in nations like China, Congo, and Chile, where environmental standards are weaker than in the U.S. ... 
the energy that goes into making an EV battery is more than that needed for a conventional vehicle engine and results in greater carbon dioxide emissions during the manufacturing stage. This so-called carbon debt is incurred by each EV before it is even driven its first mile and may take years to repay. ...
Producing many more EVs will require dealing with many more spent EV batteries, which pose a number of environmental challenges beyond those associated with the lead-acid batteries in conventional vehicles. Recycling an EV battery is far from simple and poses a number of environmental tradeoffs. ..."

Would More Electric Vehicles Be Good for the Environment? - Competitive Enterprise Institute

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