Friday, November 27, 2020

Release of British-Australian academic in Iran has come at a price

The Australian prime minister comes away very strange in this press conference! I am glad that at least some Australian journalists unlike their U.S. counterparts are asking some tough questions about this prisoner swap! If indeed three Iranian terrorists were freed to release this Austrian citizen from being held hostage in Iran then this was indeed odd if not outright mistaken! Since this woman is a dual citizen, were the British (e.g. Boris Johnson) also involved in this prisoner swap?

"His government has been silent on the circumstances surrounding the deal, and some observers have said it could encourage Iran, which is accused of "hostage diplomacy". ... The [Iranian] trio had been jailed [in Thailand] over a plot that Israel said was aimed at its diplomats. It came to light when bombs apparently detonated by accident in a house in suburban Bangkok on 14 February 2012.
Moradi was jailed for life for attempted murder after he threw a bomb at police as he tried to escape. He lost his legs in one of the explosions. Khazaei, who was detained at the airport, was jailed for 15 years."

Here is a BBC news article about this prisoner swap:
Kylie Moore-Gilbert: Thailand frees Iranians 'in swap with academic'  Thailand has freed three Iranian men jailed over a 2012 bomb plot following the release of British-Australian academic Kylie Moore-Gilbert by Iran.

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