Friday, November 06, 2020

Should the U.S. Supreme Court toss out some of the mail in votes?

This is at this time (11/6/2020) a hypothetical question, however as the 2020 general election vote count continuous it might become more relevant to resolve legal disputes.

Frankly and generally speaking, I think, the U.S. Supreme Court, in order to preserve election fairness and integrity, perhaps should toss out:

  1. all mail in votes that were made possible by late fundamental election system changes under the pretext of Covid-19!  
  2. all mail in votes arriving after the election day. Thus treating them like early voting!

In a country, where voter registration in many if not all states is historically very inaccurate (to put it euphemistically), mail in voting is open to fraud etc. Historically, most of the U.S. has been ill prepared for mail in votes and the predominant mode of elections has been in person voting!

Any votes that come in or are received after the polling places close are potentially suspicious as they could be attempts to manipulate the outcome especially in times where often razor thin margins determine the winner!

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